Goodmorning, Zena speaking, please hold


Apr 13, 2001
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Has anyone else seen that Reflex paper add where the secretary named Zena puts the Japanese conference call on hold, and the hold music is death metal?

I think it's funny, and whenever I see it I think of JBJ. I know it's spelt different and all, but I don't care.
No because recording the sounds of someone choking on both their own vomit and the food they are shoving down their throats sucks. Therefore that song sucks. Its gone to Suckey Street, Suckeyville in the state of Suckerduckers.
I think Spawny's scared for life,ever since he was 5 and had those nightmares about the Cookie Monster trying to tear pages out of his comics. That'd explain his hate for good vocals.
I actually had a dream when I was a little kid about the Banksia Men from Snugglepot and Cuddlepie chasing me off a cliff. Sacred the living f**k out of me!

(I dont think Billy Corgan is a good singer actually!)

Barlow has more talent than every one of those death/black metal vocalists. Singing badly is fine, but dont pretend they are any good just because they can go GRRRRRRRRRRRR! Really loud. A 5 year old can do that :D
All Barlow can do is go high and the do those soft whingey parts where he sounds like he's sooking cos he's been sent to his room, and his mum took his giant sword of metal away from him cos he stabbed the little brother in the scrotum with it.

Spawny, it takes a lot of skill to do the growling well. I don't know that for a fact, but it sounds right. They do those vocals for a reason - not because they can't sing properly, but because it suits the music. It's another instrument.

I only like death metally vocals in melodic death metal bands, anyway - In Flames, Children of Bodom, old Amorphis, Dark Tranquillity and the like.
I dont agree there Spiffy, some people might be able to growl longer or louder, but there is no inherent skill in making noises.

Anyone can do it! Not anyone can sing like Matt Barlow, Bruce or Dio etc.