Gordian Knot


Yeah... Whatever
Jul 27, 2002
Santiago, Chile
Has anyone heard of Gordian Knot? It is the project of Sean Malone (ex-cynic bass/chapman stick player), and he invites well known and talented musicians to play the songs.
It is SO great!:OMG: Haven't heard something like this. Excellent compositions, and it doesn't focus on solos or shredding (of course they are solos present, but they are part of the melody. It's like the solo serves the song, and not vice-versa, which happens a lot in prog/metal :( ). I have the first album: Gordian Knot, and now currently trying to get the second, Emergent.
For more info, visit Sean Malone's page.
If you know any store that has The Emergent cd in Chile (or a sufficiently internationalizated store which may have a local here), please let me know!
Forgot to tell taht he has guest appearances on many bands: OSI, Spiral Architect, Aghora, and many with people not known to me. He also appeared on the rush tribute, The Working Man
The self-titled debut is far better than Emergent, IMO.More eastern influenced style makes it very ambient sounding. To me Emergent is focused more on basic jazz fusion found on Sean Malone's solo album, Cortlandt. I was rather surprised hearing it for the first time especially since it kind of being billed as a Cynic reunion.
I think Gordian Knot is ok. Not Sean Malone's best, but not bad at all. I like Cynic way better (except for those vocals with the effects, that really annoys me). Are you sure he was in Spiral Architect? I could have sworn all the guys in that band were Scandinavian.