[IMGLEFT]http://www.npearce.ultimatemetal.com/nipplehair.jpg[/IMGLEFT]By Katalin Sipos
Britains Gorerotted became a favourite gore-grind band of mine with their second album, Only Tools and Corpses, which came out in 2003. One and a half years later they are returning with a new album, A New Dawn for the Dead, that is going to be a turning point in their career. Their whole concept turned more serious and their music became more death metal oriented but, of course, without losing their originality or their qualities. I talked to their guitarist Fluffy, a.k.a. Tim Weatherley, whose name is Anglo-Saxon, which means someone who looks after rams that have been castrated or something. Not the man, but the rams are castrated. I found out once in a bookshop or somewhere. Its funny! I love it, my ancestors at some point looked after sheep without balls. Ha ha!
As you stated officially, the title of your new album A New Dawn for the Dead also refers to a new dawn for the band since Mr. Gore left the band.
Its more than Mr. Gore leaving, its a new dawn for every part of the band, the artwork, the studio we used, the photos, the song titles. Just all new ideas and that title sums it up perfectly. And yeah it also keeps our link back to our horror movie roots, so its a double-edge sword.
Why did he decide to leave? Last August I read something about his family problems. Of course I dont want to go into too deep into it, but what can you tell about it to the public?
He left because he was an idiot who couldnt put 100% into the band. He would show up for 1 out of 10 practices and shit like that. He had some family things and missed a show in Austria, so Wilson and Ben Goreskin did his shit for him. It sounded 10 times better than Mr. Gore so we thought, Why carry this dead wood in the band, he needs to go. He wanted to go anyway, so its fine. Basically, people talk a lot of shit about Mr. Gore leaving and what an influence he had on this band. Well if the truth is known, he did nothing since Only Tools and Corpses and even on that CD, Wilson had to do a lot of parts written for Mr. Gore because he wasnt good enough to do them. He was an ok singer for a pub band, but he got well out of his depth when we got bigger, he just couldnt handle it. We knew straight away we didnt ever need another singer. Ben Goreskin and Wilson are some of the best vocalists in the scene, and we dont need anyone else to back them up. He got worse the bigger we got, more arrogant. He thought he was the greatest guy ever. He left before for like a week and then came back, always going on about money and shit. When the band first started me and him were great friends and worked together really well. He had some mega-problems with me and almost split the band a few times. He really changed over the last few years into a nasty, self-centered person. Really sad because me and him were friends for so long.
With Mr. Gore you used to have 3 vocalists in the band. How did his leaving affect the vocal side and how different was it to write the new lyrics/songs for only two vocalists?
It made it easier, and we had to cut a lot of ideas because Mr. Gore couldnt handle them. Now we can do pretty much any idea we have! Wilson and Ben decided that Ben should be the main frontman and vocalist and Wilson would just do some back-ups in choruses. Ben can do anything from Cock and Ball Torture low vocals to Cannibal Corpse growls, to hardcore vocals to Anal Cunt screams. We dont need anybody else. And he never did any songwriting at all, the guy cant play a single note on any instrument, so he did nothing but suggest a few ideas maybe.
Lets get to the new album now. First of all, it turned out great! But I feel like its a lot more serious than your previous album. I mean the whole concept took a more serious turn
Yeah maybe, I was like 19 or 20 or something when we very first started Gorerotted and Im 27 now, same goes for the other guys, they are older too. Maybe we just matured a bit and what we find funny is different from what we laughed at when we were kids. Wilson writes a lot of lyrics (and music) these days and his are much darker than the earlier stuff. He didnt play on Mutilated in Minutes and he joined halfway through writing Only Tools and Corpses. I think you can just hear a hell of a lot more of Wilsons ideas in the mix this time round!
You cant do the same thing over and over again and become stagnant. Its the worst thing a band can do, write first album, repeat, repeat, repeat. You got to try new things and move on, keep things fresh all the time!
Actually Id die to hear a My Hero or Keeping up Appearances inspired Gorerotted album
Balls to that, I hate those shows. Maybe one inspired by Peep Show or Phoneix Nights would be cool.
Has the inspiration for the music writing changed?
Nope, just the people in the band are more focused and we work better together after all these years. We just get bored doing the same thing. I love our old albums and wouldn't change them for the world. I just don't want to make another one exactly the same. I have new ideas now!
Are the new songs more challenging to play?
Yeah, they are more interesting and more challenging to play. There is much more to them, they are bigger songs so it takes more effort to play live. I cant get as drunk anymore!
Was it more challenging to write them? I mean it seems you are showing off a lot more from your technical side in these songs. And the songs are also more varied.
Nope it wasnt more challenging to write this new shit as we only ever play naturally. Gorerotted only writes what feels good to play. We dont try and be something or somebody we are not. We write what we like and like what we write.
Arent you afraid that this way you will be only one among the dozens of death metal bands?
No, because all these bands these days sound like a direct clone of Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Carcass or Nile. Its like, Hey lets start a band because we all like Suffocation and then basically make a career out of playing 2nd hand Suffocation songs. These bands are always only one out of a sea of unoriginal shit. Gorerotted is so varied and has so many influences from punk to black and from funk to pop, to death, to grind, to rock and roll. We could never be pigeonholed into just being another death metal band.
You just mentioned Wilsons lyrics are darker. What are they about this time?
Tons of shit, violence, murder, voodoo, resurrection, zombies, drugs, drinks, you name it. Still the same old Gorerotted but in a darker way. Not so stupid this time. More about the ideas and thoughts behind violence, or just about taking too many drugs and being fucked up.
Have you got a favourite song on the album, a song you like more than the rest?
My favourites are And Everything Went Black, Pain As a Prelude to Death and Nervous Gibbering Wreck. No reason, just like them the most.
Last time I talked to Wilson and Mr. Gore, and they said that everybody takes part in the songwriting. How does it work exactly? Anybody can come up with an idea or ?
Yeah, everybody does write but to different degrees. Myself and Wilson will come up with most of the music and structure the songs with drummer Jon. Matt will add some guitar shit and some riffs then Wilson, Ben and myself work out the lyric ideas. Its not the set formula, just the general way we work.
If everybody takes part in it, how difficult (or easy) is it to arrange everything with all the other members?
Easy, it takes me two seconds to show my boys some music, they are great players and musicians so its not hard to work together fast.
One and one half years passed between the two albums, but how much time did you spend with the songwriting for the new album? I mean do you work like Ok, time to make some new music, lets start writing new songs or does it go rather naturally, just collecting the ideas through the months?
Yeah you got it, we just collect ideas and work on shit all the time. Even on tours we will work on new ideas and songs. We even starting writing album number four before this one was even released. Me and Wilson have about 10-15 minutes worth of ideas already for the next album. Wilson has bought some small, home studio shit and Im building a recording studio at home too. We are recording everything we can think of right now, and will start working with Jon and Matt in a few months.
The album is out, you might have read, I guess, tons of reviews already. But would you change anything on it if you could now?
Yeah, of course I would change some things, if you cant see things to change then you cant see how to get better. Its natural to want to change stuff, in general Im pretty happy that its getting a lot of good and positive reviews, so thats cool. Some reviewers are still seeing it as some shit goregrind album, but fuck them. This album is the best Gorerotted material so far, if people cant hear that then they are fucking stupid.
You worked with a new producer and in a new studio. You didnt even want to go back to Turan Audio or work with Dave Chang again or ?
Yeah we did go back to Turan Audio. Tim Turan mastered this album again. As for the studio, we got a good offer to work with our live engineer and the bass player of Necrophagist so we took it. We got more studio time and we got to hang out in Germany for three weeks, which is cool. We were totally submerged in making the CD and away from home life. It was good fun!
Any funny story to share with us?
Too many, just drink and destruction as usual.
The last 3 minutes of the song Selection of Dissection of Parts for Resurrection is only silence not even a hidden track? What happened to this song?
Its just a fucked up noise, the song stops so unexpectedly and then you just hear the sound of vinyl humming and crackling. No reason at all.
A limited edition of your new album came out with a DVD. That contains your live performance from Summer Breeze Festival 2004? I havent seen it, does it contain the full show?
Nope, it has half the set from Summer Breeze open air and half the set from Summer Breeze warm-up. Its two totally different shows, one huge open-air and one small club show filmed over two days. Its pretty cool. Metal Blade had the idea before the festival as they had already arranged for professional camera crews to be there.
Have you thought about releasing a DVD on its own?
Yes, we have tons of videos collected and want to make a Pantera-style video. We wanted to use some backstage footage on this DVD that came with the album but Metal Blade said it couldnt contain violence, drinking, drugs and nudity. Basically, we had no footage left after all that was edited out! We will save it all for a full DVD, hopefully we can make one in the next couple of years.
You have two more records for Metal Blade. Are you satisfied with them completey?
Yeah its getting better. They are doing a lot more for this new album than they did for Only Tools and Corpses. I guess we had to prove we are a good band thats gonna do a lot of shows before they want to invest more time and money into us.
I saw the promo pics. Who is that woman? What has she got to do with the band? Somehow i cant fit her into the concept at all....
Its meant to look like hip-hop photos, but only taking the piss. They always have dogs on chains and we had a girl on a chain. Its making fun of rap bands.
Do you still live in different parts of England?
Yeah, me and Matt live in Norwich, Wilson and Ben in Southwest London, and Junky Jon in Hull. There is about 300KM between me and Wilson/Ben and then 250km between myself and Jon.
How often can you rehearse?
About once a month for a whole weekend, like 4-8 hours each day. We tend to do one rehearsal in each persons city, you know, one month go to Hull and the next month go to Norwich or London.
I assume you cant make your living from music. What are your civil occupations if I may ask?
I make a living from music. I have the band and a mail-order company (Kolobos Distribution: http://www.kolobosdistribution.com/ ) that is pretty small, but it does ok and I book tours and shows. Im fucking poor, but I dont work for somebody else.
Touring plans for the rest of the year?
We have shitloads of festivals and one-off shows booked. We also got confirmed as co-headliner on the 3-week Decapitated European tour in September. Gonna do about 40-50 shows this year, which is cool as I fucking love touring!
Has Wilson ever taught the band to swear in Scottish?
Ha-ha! A few Scottish phrases and words. Mostly swearing in Scotland is the same, fuck, cunt, arse, wanker, etc. See I can swear good!
You are the only guy in the band who has long hair and no tattoos how come?
They all have crap hair and cant grow it. Mine is cool and theirs sucks. I look like a real man! I dont have any money for tattoos and thats it. I dont want some piece of crap, shit ones so Im saving the cash to go to this place Ben and Wilson use, which is mega-expensive but fucking good!
Last time I asked Wilson and Mr. Gore and now let me ask you, where does your inspiration come from to play in a band like Gorerotted?
I love it. I love being on stage. I love the aggression in the music and I love the humor in the music too! I just love playing music.
I guess every one of you is a horror movie fan what are your favourite top 5 horror movie?
Ok, this changes all the time, so I cant answer it but right now Im into American Psycho, Saw, American Werewolf in London, Evil Dead: Army of Darkness, Tales from the Crypt T.V. shows, 28 Days Later, House of 1000 Corpses and Hammer Horror Boxset. Ask me next week and it will be different!
Since you are all horror movie lovers, have you ever thought about making some kind of a movie (few minutes or 1,5 hours long) with the band?
No money to do it. Would love to but we just dont have the dollars.
Other projects any of you are involved with?
I have another band that is just in the stages of starting out. Its a side with the drummer and guitarist/vocalist of UK band Screamin Daemon. They play like Gorerotted style but black metal. Im getting together with those guys and we are writing some really dark-sounding music. Its gonna be very different from Gorerotted or Screamin Daemon. Its early days and we dont even have a name yet.
Most of the interviews I read by Gorerotted were pretty funny ones. You could hardly be sure which answers should be taken seriously or not. But this interviews turned out to be a 'normal' one.
Not that normal, I can't be asked to be wacky for the sake of being wacky. I say what I feel like at the time. I think these days people have seen Gorerotted be funny a million fucking times, and want to hear some good information instead.
I read somewhere that you are vegetarian.
Yeah, for 7-8 years maybe. I don't like the way meat is processed and the way animals are treated. I don't think people make the connection between a living animal and a burger made of its flesh ground into a paste. Once you do make that conection, its hard to eat meat. I don't mind if other people eat meat, and I cook meat for my friends. I don't preach to anybody, as long as they leave me alone to do my thing, they can eat whatever they like. I would eat fish I caught and killed myself or animals if I really need too. Just not eating processed shit from supermarkets when I don't need too. I can live without it. I eat eggs, drink milk, eat cheese. I'm not vegan, I just don't eat flesh or shit like gelatine.
I heard that you often bet and do strange things. What was the funniest/craziest/etc. thing ever done by any of you?
Its always Jon doing shit for money, piss drinking, getting punched in the face, eating something disgusting, etc., etc. He has done some fucked up things, too many to even mention. Last time I saw him, he boiled some noodles then put his balls in the noodles and burnt them. Then he ate the noodles, that was for 3 Euros.
What are your hobbies beside music?
I really really love drinking. Drinking on my own, with friends, with my girlfriend, in the pub at home whatever. That is my main hobby! I play and create lots of music all the time and when I need to switch off my brain, I drink.
Is there anything that you would like to tell about the new album but nobody asked so far?
Nope, there really is nothing I can think of. Except, how much did we drink, ha ha! Well myself and Matt would drink a bottle of vodka each day in the studio, and I drank some wine with lunch too. Wilson would drink a crate of beer a day and Jon tried to stay as sober as possible as he really fucked himself up at some Spanish shows the week before studio time and didn't want to die.
Thanks a lot for your time. Last words
Check out the new CD, keep cool, keep drinking and keep fucking metal!!!!!!
UltimateMetal's Review of Gorerotted - A New Dawn for the Dead
Official Gorerotted Website
Official Metal Blade Records Website
Britains Gorerotted became a favourite gore-grind band of mine with their second album, Only Tools and Corpses, which came out in 2003. One and a half years later they are returning with a new album, A New Dawn for the Dead, that is going to be a turning point in their career. Their whole concept turned more serious and their music became more death metal oriented but, of course, without losing their originality or their qualities. I talked to their guitarist Fluffy, a.k.a. Tim Weatherley, whose name is Anglo-Saxon, which means someone who looks after rams that have been castrated or something. Not the man, but the rams are castrated. I found out once in a bookshop or somewhere. Its funny! I love it, my ancestors at some point looked after sheep without balls. Ha ha!

As you stated officially, the title of your new album A New Dawn for the Dead also refers to a new dawn for the band since Mr. Gore left the band.
Its more than Mr. Gore leaving, its a new dawn for every part of the band, the artwork, the studio we used, the photos, the song titles. Just all new ideas and that title sums it up perfectly. And yeah it also keeps our link back to our horror movie roots, so its a double-edge sword.
Why did he decide to leave? Last August I read something about his family problems. Of course I dont want to go into too deep into it, but what can you tell about it to the public?
He left because he was an idiot who couldnt put 100% into the band. He would show up for 1 out of 10 practices and shit like that. He had some family things and missed a show in Austria, so Wilson and Ben Goreskin did his shit for him. It sounded 10 times better than Mr. Gore so we thought, Why carry this dead wood in the band, he needs to go. He wanted to go anyway, so its fine. Basically, people talk a lot of shit about Mr. Gore leaving and what an influence he had on this band. Well if the truth is known, he did nothing since Only Tools and Corpses and even on that CD, Wilson had to do a lot of parts written for Mr. Gore because he wasnt good enough to do them. He was an ok singer for a pub band, but he got well out of his depth when we got bigger, he just couldnt handle it. We knew straight away we didnt ever need another singer. Ben Goreskin and Wilson are some of the best vocalists in the scene, and we dont need anyone else to back them up. He got worse the bigger we got, more arrogant. He thought he was the greatest guy ever. He left before for like a week and then came back, always going on about money and shit. When the band first started me and him were great friends and worked together really well. He had some mega-problems with me and almost split the band a few times. He really changed over the last few years into a nasty, self-centered person. Really sad because me and him were friends for so long.
With Mr. Gore you used to have 3 vocalists in the band. How did his leaving affect the vocal side and how different was it to write the new lyrics/songs for only two vocalists?
It made it easier, and we had to cut a lot of ideas because Mr. Gore couldnt handle them. Now we can do pretty much any idea we have! Wilson and Ben decided that Ben should be the main frontman and vocalist and Wilson would just do some back-ups in choruses. Ben can do anything from Cock and Ball Torture low vocals to Cannibal Corpse growls, to hardcore vocals to Anal Cunt screams. We dont need anybody else. And he never did any songwriting at all, the guy cant play a single note on any instrument, so he did nothing but suggest a few ideas maybe.
Lets get to the new album now. First of all, it turned out great! But I feel like its a lot more serious than your previous album. I mean the whole concept took a more serious turn
Yeah maybe, I was like 19 or 20 or something when we very first started Gorerotted and Im 27 now, same goes for the other guys, they are older too. Maybe we just matured a bit and what we find funny is different from what we laughed at when we were kids. Wilson writes a lot of lyrics (and music) these days and his are much darker than the earlier stuff. He didnt play on Mutilated in Minutes and he joined halfway through writing Only Tools and Corpses. I think you can just hear a hell of a lot more of Wilsons ideas in the mix this time round!
You cant do the same thing over and over again and become stagnant. Its the worst thing a band can do, write first album, repeat, repeat, repeat. You got to try new things and move on, keep things fresh all the time!
Actually Id die to hear a My Hero or Keeping up Appearances inspired Gorerotted album
Balls to that, I hate those shows. Maybe one inspired by Peep Show or Phoneix Nights would be cool.
Has the inspiration for the music writing changed?
Nope, just the people in the band are more focused and we work better together after all these years. We just get bored doing the same thing. I love our old albums and wouldn't change them for the world. I just don't want to make another one exactly the same. I have new ideas now!
Are the new songs more challenging to play?
Yeah, they are more interesting and more challenging to play. There is much more to them, they are bigger songs so it takes more effort to play live. I cant get as drunk anymore!

Was it more challenging to write them? I mean it seems you are showing off a lot more from your technical side in these songs. And the songs are also more varied.
Nope it wasnt more challenging to write this new shit as we only ever play naturally. Gorerotted only writes what feels good to play. We dont try and be something or somebody we are not. We write what we like and like what we write.
Arent you afraid that this way you will be only one among the dozens of death metal bands?
No, because all these bands these days sound like a direct clone of Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Carcass or Nile. Its like, Hey lets start a band because we all like Suffocation and then basically make a career out of playing 2nd hand Suffocation songs. These bands are always only one out of a sea of unoriginal shit. Gorerotted is so varied and has so many influences from punk to black and from funk to pop, to death, to grind, to rock and roll. We could never be pigeonholed into just being another death metal band.
You just mentioned Wilsons lyrics are darker. What are they about this time?
Tons of shit, violence, murder, voodoo, resurrection, zombies, drugs, drinks, you name it. Still the same old Gorerotted but in a darker way. Not so stupid this time. More about the ideas and thoughts behind violence, or just about taking too many drugs and being fucked up.
Have you got a favourite song on the album, a song you like more than the rest?
My favourites are And Everything Went Black, Pain As a Prelude to Death and Nervous Gibbering Wreck. No reason, just like them the most.
Last time I talked to Wilson and Mr. Gore, and they said that everybody takes part in the songwriting. How does it work exactly? Anybody can come up with an idea or ?
Yeah, everybody does write but to different degrees. Myself and Wilson will come up with most of the music and structure the songs with drummer Jon. Matt will add some guitar shit and some riffs then Wilson, Ben and myself work out the lyric ideas. Its not the set formula, just the general way we work.

If everybody takes part in it, how difficult (or easy) is it to arrange everything with all the other members?
Easy, it takes me two seconds to show my boys some music, they are great players and musicians so its not hard to work together fast.
One and one half years passed between the two albums, but how much time did you spend with the songwriting for the new album? I mean do you work like Ok, time to make some new music, lets start writing new songs or does it go rather naturally, just collecting the ideas through the months?
Yeah you got it, we just collect ideas and work on shit all the time. Even on tours we will work on new ideas and songs. We even starting writing album number four before this one was even released. Me and Wilson have about 10-15 minutes worth of ideas already for the next album. Wilson has bought some small, home studio shit and Im building a recording studio at home too. We are recording everything we can think of right now, and will start working with Jon and Matt in a few months.
The album is out, you might have read, I guess, tons of reviews already. But would you change anything on it if you could now?
Yeah, of course I would change some things, if you cant see things to change then you cant see how to get better. Its natural to want to change stuff, in general Im pretty happy that its getting a lot of good and positive reviews, so thats cool. Some reviewers are still seeing it as some shit goregrind album, but fuck them. This album is the best Gorerotted material so far, if people cant hear that then they are fucking stupid.
You worked with a new producer and in a new studio. You didnt even want to go back to Turan Audio or work with Dave Chang again or ?
Yeah we did go back to Turan Audio. Tim Turan mastered this album again. As for the studio, we got a good offer to work with our live engineer and the bass player of Necrophagist so we took it. We got more studio time and we got to hang out in Germany for three weeks, which is cool. We were totally submerged in making the CD and away from home life. It was good fun!
Any funny story to share with us?
Too many, just drink and destruction as usual.
The last 3 minutes of the song Selection of Dissection of Parts for Resurrection is only silence not even a hidden track? What happened to this song?
Its just a fucked up noise, the song stops so unexpectedly and then you just hear the sound of vinyl humming and crackling. No reason at all.
A limited edition of your new album came out with a DVD. That contains your live performance from Summer Breeze Festival 2004? I havent seen it, does it contain the full show?
Nope, it has half the set from Summer Breeze open air and half the set from Summer Breeze warm-up. Its two totally different shows, one huge open-air and one small club show filmed over two days. Its pretty cool. Metal Blade had the idea before the festival as they had already arranged for professional camera crews to be there.
Have you thought about releasing a DVD on its own?
Yes, we have tons of videos collected and want to make a Pantera-style video. We wanted to use some backstage footage on this DVD that came with the album but Metal Blade said it couldnt contain violence, drinking, drugs and nudity. Basically, we had no footage left after all that was edited out! We will save it all for a full DVD, hopefully we can make one in the next couple of years.
You have two more records for Metal Blade. Are you satisfied with them completey?
Yeah its getting better. They are doing a lot more for this new album than they did for Only Tools and Corpses. I guess we had to prove we are a good band thats gonna do a lot of shows before they want to invest more time and money into us.
I saw the promo pics. Who is that woman? What has she got to do with the band? Somehow i cant fit her into the concept at all....

Its meant to look like hip-hop photos, but only taking the piss. They always have dogs on chains and we had a girl on a chain. Its making fun of rap bands.
Do you still live in different parts of England?
Yeah, me and Matt live in Norwich, Wilson and Ben in Southwest London, and Junky Jon in Hull. There is about 300KM between me and Wilson/Ben and then 250km between myself and Jon.
How often can you rehearse?
About once a month for a whole weekend, like 4-8 hours each day. We tend to do one rehearsal in each persons city, you know, one month go to Hull and the next month go to Norwich or London.
I assume you cant make your living from music. What are your civil occupations if I may ask?
I make a living from music. I have the band and a mail-order company (Kolobos Distribution: http://www.kolobosdistribution.com/ ) that is pretty small, but it does ok and I book tours and shows. Im fucking poor, but I dont work for somebody else.
Touring plans for the rest of the year?
We have shitloads of festivals and one-off shows booked. We also got confirmed as co-headliner on the 3-week Decapitated European tour in September. Gonna do about 40-50 shows this year, which is cool as I fucking love touring!
Has Wilson ever taught the band to swear in Scottish?
Ha-ha! A few Scottish phrases and words. Mostly swearing in Scotland is the same, fuck, cunt, arse, wanker, etc. See I can swear good!
You are the only guy in the band who has long hair and no tattoos how come?
They all have crap hair and cant grow it. Mine is cool and theirs sucks. I look like a real man! I dont have any money for tattoos and thats it. I dont want some piece of crap, shit ones so Im saving the cash to go to this place Ben and Wilson use, which is mega-expensive but fucking good!

Last time I asked Wilson and Mr. Gore and now let me ask you, where does your inspiration come from to play in a band like Gorerotted?
I love it. I love being on stage. I love the aggression in the music and I love the humor in the music too! I just love playing music.
I guess every one of you is a horror movie fan what are your favourite top 5 horror movie?
Ok, this changes all the time, so I cant answer it but right now Im into American Psycho, Saw, American Werewolf in London, Evil Dead: Army of Darkness, Tales from the Crypt T.V. shows, 28 Days Later, House of 1000 Corpses and Hammer Horror Boxset. Ask me next week and it will be different!
Since you are all horror movie lovers, have you ever thought about making some kind of a movie (few minutes or 1,5 hours long) with the band?
No money to do it. Would love to but we just dont have the dollars.
Other projects any of you are involved with?
I have another band that is just in the stages of starting out. Its a side with the drummer and guitarist/vocalist of UK band Screamin Daemon. They play like Gorerotted style but black metal. Im getting together with those guys and we are writing some really dark-sounding music. Its gonna be very different from Gorerotted or Screamin Daemon. Its early days and we dont even have a name yet.
Most of the interviews I read by Gorerotted were pretty funny ones. You could hardly be sure which answers should be taken seriously or not. But this interviews turned out to be a 'normal' one.
Not that normal, I can't be asked to be wacky for the sake of being wacky. I say what I feel like at the time. I think these days people have seen Gorerotted be funny a million fucking times, and want to hear some good information instead.
I read somewhere that you are vegetarian.
Yeah, for 7-8 years maybe. I don't like the way meat is processed and the way animals are treated. I don't think people make the connection between a living animal and a burger made of its flesh ground into a paste. Once you do make that conection, its hard to eat meat. I don't mind if other people eat meat, and I cook meat for my friends. I don't preach to anybody, as long as they leave me alone to do my thing, they can eat whatever they like. I would eat fish I caught and killed myself or animals if I really need too. Just not eating processed shit from supermarkets when I don't need too. I can live without it. I eat eggs, drink milk, eat cheese. I'm not vegan, I just don't eat flesh or shit like gelatine.
I heard that you often bet and do strange things. What was the funniest/craziest/etc. thing ever done by any of you?
Its always Jon doing shit for money, piss drinking, getting punched in the face, eating something disgusting, etc., etc. He has done some fucked up things, too many to even mention. Last time I saw him, he boiled some noodles then put his balls in the noodles and burnt them. Then he ate the noodles, that was for 3 Euros.

What are your hobbies beside music?
I really really love drinking. Drinking on my own, with friends, with my girlfriend, in the pub at home whatever. That is my main hobby! I play and create lots of music all the time and when I need to switch off my brain, I drink.
Is there anything that you would like to tell about the new album but nobody asked so far?
Nope, there really is nothing I can think of. Except, how much did we drink, ha ha! Well myself and Matt would drink a bottle of vodka each day in the studio, and I drank some wine with lunch too. Wilson would drink a crate of beer a day and Jon tried to stay as sober as possible as he really fucked himself up at some Spanish shows the week before studio time and didn't want to die.
Thanks a lot for your time. Last words
Check out the new CD, keep cool, keep drinking and keep fucking metal!!!!!!
UltimateMetal's Review of Gorerotted - A New Dawn for the Dead
Official Gorerotted Website
Official Metal Blade Records Website