Gorgoroth is Dead


Record Collector
Aug 1, 2006
The Great Cold Distance
Last night Infernus, guitarist of Norwegian black metal band Gorgoroth gave reason to believe the band may be splitting up with the following update on the band's official MySpace site:

"I am writing to inform you about the fact that there has been taken a decision to split up the band, Infernus on one side, Gaahl and King on the other. We can not continue working together any longer. What is still not agreed upon is who rightfully get to keep the band's name, as it is both parts will to continue. Since this will be a question of legal affairs, I am afraid this might take time to get sorted out. I am sorry for that."

But we now know that whatever happens, the band's European tour will continue as planned, with an update to the band's official website this morning:

"Gaahl, King and Infernus have decided to part ways.
Gorgoroth have existed as a three-piece for the past several years but have ceased from this moment on in this incarnation.

Vocalist Gaahl (lyrics) and King (bassist/composer) will continue the scheduled European tour in November under the name Gorgoroth with a replacement for Infernus.
King and Gaahl will continue to work together musically, performing their art live and recording in the future. This decision was reached by Gaahl and King as they have been the driving force behind Gorgoroth's music for the past 8 years.

Infernus has stated he will take King and Gaahl to court over future use of the name Gorgoroth."

Source: gorgoroth.org
Makes sense, he was the only member of the original lineup still in the band. The name should be rightfully his.
It'd be cool if they did the European tour till the end together, and then the band would just disband, as Infernus was the founder and it is HIS band to do with as he wishes..