

Tech/Prog Metal Maniac
Sep 25, 2005
London, UK
I've just picked up a copy of the album Neurotripsicks by Gorod. It's absolutely fantastic stuff! Imagine Spastic Ink crossed with Necrophagist, and you're in the right ball park. A lot of the solos and song structures remind of Ron, right down to tone. Great stuff, I highly recommend Gorod to all the jazz influenced technical metal fans out there (everyone here hopefully :))
Vocally, it's probably bordering on the most brutal thing a lot of people would have heard (unless you're into seriously brutal death metal and grindcore). But don't let this put you off, because although the tone of the vocals is a gargling gutteral growl, it's not really loud and in your face. It's more just used as an instrument within the insanity. The technical aspect is definitely the focal point of the music.

I think they've got samples up on their MySpace.

I like Neurotripsicks a lot, myself, as well as their newer album Leading Vision, which I think is one of the more interesting releases of last year. I don't think it's quite as original as Ink or WatchTower, but it's certainly one of the more interesting and quirky technical death type bands (for lack of a better description). I would personally recommend Neurotripsicks over Leading Vision, which in places sounds a little too much like tributes to certain bands of the past to me, like Sepultura or Death in different places, at the cost of originality. Definitely worth a listen if you're interested in more deathly technical metal like Necrophagist as well as Blotted Science of course.