Gory Blister – Skymorphosis


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Gory Blister – Skymorphosis
Mascot Records – 30th January 2006
By Russell Garwood


“Yeah, so I went hiking the other day, and my boots don’t fit properly”

“No shit.”

“I have this huuuge blister on my big toe”

“Wow, that’s pretty gory”

“Yeah man, hurts like fuck. Sorry, what were we talking about again? Oh yeah, band names”

This is – in my head – how Gory Blister must have got their name. I mean, really?


Amusing names aside, Skymorphosis proves a hefty slab of technical death metal. An extremely effective symphonic intro opens the CD with style, after which the songs have a tendency to blur into one. The rhythm section is tight, exact drums with well placed fills and star-stop beats accompany prominent and melodic bass. The guitars are equally technical, with precise rhythm work, hyperspeed solos, and plenty of melody, and the vocals are a relatively high growl.

Despite all of these positive traits, Skymorphosis also has its share of flaws. There is no denying that the technical proficiency on display, yet it is this that ultimately leads to the band’s downfall. The sheer amount of time changes, solos, and technical sections makes the music easily forgettable. Even with the odd hook, and acoustic sections (with singing, no less) the CD struggles to hold your attention. Which is a shame, as these guys are obviously talented musicians, they are found just a little wanting in the song-writing department. That said, this is only a minor complaint for fans of technical death, who will find a lot to enjoy in Gory Blister’s efforts.


Official Gory Blister website