Got a haircut, pissed of my g/f! Is it that damn bad? Pics inside!


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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So she asked me to grow it back out. That was October. It was short as fuck then. I finally reached the point where I was sick of my hair taking forever to dry b/c it's so damned thick. Solution, cut that shit. Fuck it. My hair was to my ass in H.S. - been there, done that.





Yeah, I'm Irish. And yes, the sun is my mortal enemy.:Spin:

So, what's the big deal? I really don't see any difference.

Honestly, looks good.
She's probably upset because she has a thing about playing with your hair. Especially with thick, long hair. It is great fun to pull and run fingers through. :loco:
Explain grow it back out...... ever once in a while i gt the urge to have long hair again but there's a breaking point. Fucking unmanagable.... and i can't stand it..... So fuck it i cut it...... I'm with you..... Cut the shit....Hey did you take the pics yourself??? i hate that shit too. They never come out to good.....
YourAuntieSocial said:
Honestly, looks good.
She's probably upset because she has a thing about playing with your hair. Especially with thick, long hair. It is great fun to pull and run fingers through. :loco:

Thanx. And I do enjoy a good hair pullin! Indeed.
Enjoy the fact you have hair to cut. I'm 32 and started going bald in my mid twenties. My haircuts come from a pair of Wahl clippers, lol. I do save on haircuts and hair care products, which is a plus.

thraxx said:
Explain grow it back out...... ever once in a while i gt the urge to have long hair again but there's a breaking point. Fucking unmanagable.... and i can't stand it..... So fuck it i cut it...... I'm with you..... Cut the shit....Hey did you take the pics yourself??? i hate that shit too. They never come out to good.....

Fucking unmanagable is the best way ever to describe it.

Yeah I took them with my Panasonic D-snap lil gadget, but my house is older w/ virtually no light so the flash makes me look like that movie 'Powder' :lol:
coop said:
Enjoy the fact you have hair to cut. I'm 32 and started going bald in my mid twenties. My haircuts come from a pair of Wahl clippers, lol. I do save on haircuts and hair care products, which is a plus.


It's all about savin' that dolla holmes!:Spin:
I agree w/auntie, probably something to do w/intimacy. Which in that case, is it really that much of a bother?

BTW, it looks very nice.
It looks pretty good I guess but who am I to judge a man´s appearance, hahaha :lol:
I´m very proud of my hair btw! :)
Hey Greg,

I just went through the same thing. When my fiance and I first met, I was shaving my head 3 days a week, and doing the Ian Hairless Club for Men. About a year ago, she said she'd like for me to grow my hair back out, because she thought it would look sexy, and I used to have hair down to my nipples in highschool. I tried, but for the past 2 months it's been driving me crazy and I've been bitchin' that I wanted to shave it all off. Finally, friday night I busted out the clippers and off it came!!!! :Spin: Then, I went and died my goatie bright fucking orange w/ some manic panic. I feel much better now. And my fiance actually picked out the color!!!! :D So, your girl can get over it!!!! :headbang:
looks better short man. long hair is overrated plus so few can pull it off and not look like shit. like lenny cravits for instance. he had ladies hair so bad. now he has short hair. his music still sucks though.
loreal has has this new hair coloring called color rays all they had on the shelf was red purple and orange. it's to highlite your hair. but having short hair with a style sort of like a fo-hawk at least on it's way to a fo-hawk i just got some on my gloves and ran my hands over the top of my hair with the red coloring and it looks fucking awesome. I'm wondering about my sideburns and my goatee and how much it'll work on them. i had enough to do my whole head but i just did most of the top. i'll try to get some picks up too. i'm gonna see if they have differnt colors like green on the net.