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Heavenly Call

Jul 30, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Intersting start...I've heard of Martyr, but am not familiar with them. Will have to look them up. Never heard of Shatter Messiah, but that's a badass name! Cool on November's Doom...

Thanks for the announcement! Gotsa look up the location close to the actual "city" of Chicago is Mokena?
Whoa, I never even thought to check the actual site....
Never heard of Martyr or Shatter Messiah either.

I kind of expected ND would be there, considering the new album comes out in Feb. Their appearance alone guarantees my attendance.

Are we going to learn more bands today?
For you lazy phucks.....
MARTYR is the Canadian band.
Shatter Messiah features Curran Murphy, who used to be in Nevermore.

If you are unfamiliar with NOVEMBERS DOOM, then just simply shame on you! :)
Whoa, I never even thought to check the actual site....
Never heard of Martyr or Shatter Messiah either.

I kind of expected ND would be there, considering the new album comes out in Feb. Their appearance alone guarantees my attendance.

Are we going to learn more bands today?

Jasonic...can you help me out with November's Doom? Where to start? Anything to avoid? I've heard a couple of songs, but have no albums.
Jasonic...can you help me out with November's Doom? Where to start? Anything to avoid? I've heard a couple of songs, but have no albums.

If you are brand new, then start with their last full length THE PALE HAUNT DEPARTURE. It is easily their best written and most accessible album.

Next, I would recommend TO WELCOME THE FADE and OF SCULPTURED IVY (Though good luck finding it!!!)

While I do thoroughly enjoy both AMID and THE KNOWING, they most likely will not be playing material off those albums.

Definitely get their upcoming release, the NOVELLA RESERVOIR, coming out in late Feb. You can download a new track from it off their site or tHE END RECORDS site.
Damn you hawks! You didn't even give me a chance to post the official press release.... :p

Sorry guys, but I'm gonna close this thread, so please direct any further announcement talk to the official thread on top...thanks!!!
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