Got my bands EP finished at last


Studio Scapegoat
Feb 13, 2007
Nottingham, UK
I'm kinda reserved about posting this up to be honest. Getting this thing recorded has proved such a major pain in the arse. At the time of drum tracking our drummer was having pretty major problems with a heart condition which was seriously effecting his stamina levels when he wasn't on the verge of outright collapse so there was a lot of editing required. Add to this the problem of having to squeeze each recording session into however many free hours were available during regular studio bookings and band rehearsals and it's amazing it got finished at all. Divided - Seeing Red.mp3
I'm kinda reserved about posting this up to be honest. Getting this thing recorded has proved such a major pain in the arse. At the time of drum tracking our drummer was having pretty major problems with a heart condition which was seriously effecting his stamina levels when he wasn't on the verge of outright collapse so there was a lot of editing required. Add to this the problem of having to squeeze each recording session into however many free hours were available during regular studio bookings and band rehearsals and it's amazing it got finished at all. Divided - Seeing Red.mp3

LOVING that kick!
Overall, cool song, cool mix, cool intro, nothing to complaint really, good job.. :kickass:

up next, a review from Kev..
Cheers for the props guys. And yeah the hihats don't sound the best but then they're pretty crappy hats anyway so I didn't bother close micing them. Trust me when I say I can hear a hundred problems with this and the other 4 songs we recorded which is why I was totally sick of it by the end. So many problems just too late to really fix. Next time we're booking some proper full days for tracking and putting some time into playing to a click even if I have to fucking pay for it myself! :lol:
Sounds good. At first I was like ohh my god the guys on the fourms have lost it! But once it kicked in good stuff. Great vocals. Good job.