Got my FREE Heaven and Hell tickets

Jul 14, 2002
Stratford, CT
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SO Heaven and Hell are playing at the gay indian casino here in CT.

My friend got us some free tickets for the show. woooooooo

For those not familiar with the deal, for more incentive to keep the gambling addicts around, when you waste a lot of money they begin " giving " you " free " stuff. So you will come back and waste more money.

Most of the time it is tickets and drinks etc. My friend's girlfriends mom apparently wastes quite a bit of cash there.

So free tickets for us!

Literally a gay indian casino? :lol:

edit: who honestly thinks they can beat the system and win more money than they lost? Gambling is for stupid people. Now if you're an extremely good card player that's a different story.
Literally a gay indian casino? :lol:

Might as well be. I think the whole idea is retarded. Once again our good government " oh, we are sorry indians. you don't have to pay taxes "
The state would only stand to make a zillion dollars.

edit: who honestly thinks they can beat the system and win more money than they lost? Gambling is for stupid people. Now if you're an extremely good card player that's a different story.

Desperate people my friend, very desperate people. Which, apparently there are a lot of. :Smug: