Got 'SAFE HOME' Played on L.A. Radio last night!!!!


Feb 2, 2002
so cal
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Hey sll,

Here in LA last night, I got Safe Home played on the radio!!!

Riki Rachman has a show on 97.1 KLSX called 'The Ball' (ala Headbanger's Ball) and it's on every Saturday night from midnight to 2 am.

Anyways, it was a special show recorded for our troops in Iraq and it had Evan from Biohazard and his chick Tera Patrick as phone in guests.

Riki played some killer songs. 'Run to the Hills', 'War Ensemble', 'War Inside My Head' and some other kick ass songs!!

Anyways, he opened up the phones and I was his first call (reminded me of my days working for LA Radio myself - long story, tell ya later for the newbies).

I thanked him for playing metal again in LA radio and he asked how I heard about it. Told him thru Metal Sludge and said I voted for him over Iann Robinson in the feud.

I then told him in keeping w/ the theme of the night and as my message for the troops, I requested them to all come back home safe. So I told Riki 'Safe Home'. He was thrilled w/ the way I tied it to the theme and he played it!!!

God the song sounds so fkn good coming over my radio @ 2 am on a Saturday!!!! So after it ended he said that eveyone in the studio was all into the song as he was playing air drums to it and his producer was playing air guitar!!! He loves the song and will play as long as we keep requesting it!!!

So check out metal sludge, click his interview and then go to the link to the radio station and keep requesting it!!

Over, finished, gone, done out ... See-ya!!!

I remember hearing Anthrax on the radio a couple of years ago when they did Ball of Confusion. Bush's voice sounds awesome over the radio after it gets compressed so much over the airwaves
You fucking rule, dude.
Anthrax on the radio = Anthrax $ales = More Anthrax in the future!