Got Screwed with podxt


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
hey guys,

so i bought the metal shop for my podxt. installed it, and now my F******************* fx junkie pack is gone. i don't have a activation key for the fx pack cause i got it with my podxt when i bought it new.

someone similiar with this problem ?

thx :worship: :worship:
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Do you have proof of purchase that says you had the pack allready?

If you have that, then follow the advice of Mr Kazrog!

He probably got the Pod XT Live (the pedalboard version) like I have. It comes with FX junkie and it has a Variax input (I'm interested in the acoustic and the bass, the electric version sucks ass.)

Anyway, the XT Live comes with FX Junkie. That in itself is proof of purchase!
Kazrog said:
He probably got the Pod XT Live (the pedalboard version) like I have. It comes with FX junkie and it has a Variax input (I'm interested in the acoustic and the bass, the electric version sucks ass.)

Anyway, the XT Live comes with FX Junkie. That in itself is proof of purchase!

well fuck me i got the normal podxt !! those line 6 are bitches. i receved a email that dey don't quite believe me so had had to mail my serial number of the pod and version nummber. wel let's wait what these Fucke** have to offer.
Whoever sold you the PodXT had their own Line 6 account, and that account "owned" that PodXT and the FX Junkie pack on it. Last I heard, Line 6 hadn't yet implemented a model pack license transfer system (although those bastards have been promising it since this time last year). When you bought the Metal Shop pack, I'm guessing the PodXT serial got put on your account, but as Line 6 has not yet implemented the model pack transfer, the system automatically removed the FX Junkie license from your Pod. And that sucks. Hopefully they'll be able to work something out for you so that the paid-for FX Junkie license is not lost in oblivion.
Disconnekt said:
Whoever sold you the PodXT had their own Line 6 account, and that account "owned" that PodXT and the FX Junkie pack on it. Last I heard, Line 6 hadn't yet implemented a model pack license transfer system (although those bastards have been promising it since this time last year). When you bought the Metal Shop pack, I'm guessing the PodXT serial got put on your account, but as Line 6 has not yet implemented the model pack transfer, the system automatically removed the FX Junkie license from your Pod. And that sucks. Hopefully they'll be able to work something out for you so that the paid-for FX Junkie license is not lost in oblivion.

that could be true cause when i wanted to registerd with my account, it sad tta the seria number wsa already taken
Hello Mendel,

Where did you buy the unit?
The effect model pack was refunded by Line6 to the person who bought it online.
This person used our 30 days return policy.
The model pack worked until you made a new connection to the Line6 server with monkey
this happened when you purchased the new model pack, that's why the effects pack has gone.
It is a difficult situation, but you will have to deal with the problem at the shop where you bought it.

please let me know if I can help you



hope he can give me all the model packs for free. LOL
Mendel said:
Hello Mendel,

Where did you buy the unit?
The effect model pack was refunded by Line6 to the person who bought it online.
This person used our 30 days return policy.
The model pack worked until you made a new connection to the Line6 server with monkey
this happened when you purchased the new model pack, that's why the effects pack has gone.
It is a difficult situation, but you will have to deal with the problem at the shop where you bought it.

please let me know if I can help you



hope he can give me all the model packs for free. LOL

HA! Oh man, that got burned by the guy you bought it from!
Man o man... did the guy you buy it from ask extra money for that pack? did he sweettalk you into the fact that his XT has an extra pack with it?

What a fuckface though.. no manners... that pack belongs to you, be it software or valuta wise.. he took YOUR money from you, Mendel.. that refund he took, belongs to you... shees... no manners at all...
wanna hear the bad news, i bought it brand new in a music store in rotterdam!!! ( netherlands ). those big fuck heads.


omfg im feeling pissed, think im just gonna buy the fx junkie pack.