goth retards


Sleeping With Ghosts
Jun 11, 2002
so what do you think of the medium,casual goth?the goth next door:lol:

I've been searching for gothic clothing on the web for ages and this lead me to numerous links,from tender gothic lives-in-a-webpage ( to gothic porn and sick stuff , .

Eventually, i ended up with only a few interesting clothes,as the most of them were incredibly kitch in my opinion and with a twisted stomach when i heard the word "goth".

i mean all them spooooooky outfits (talking about extreme gothic outfits),spooooooooky makeup (frankenstein's kin etc),weird sexuality(or so they like to show),kinky tastes and vampire crap,everything in life is blaaaaaaaaaack,we dress only in black,we should believe in darknesssss and the shadows and blah blah...insecure people with lack of identity or personality,pulling an obscene mask to prove they have style and opinion.i dont know lads,but all this seems to me so hypocritical like...

im not talking about so-called pagans,wiccans and apocryphists(although i do question even them) im talking about kids at play,big kids that think they live in a neverending Halloween ...

One of the most retarded sites ever

and a funny one
please do not connect what i said in the "what do you fear "thread to this thread.being alarmed about the difficulties in life doesnt mean you dont love life,eh?i'm a rather happy person in reality :D :tickled:
somnium_in_tenebris said:
we should believe in darknesssss and the shadows and blah blah...insecure people with lack of identity or personality,pulling an obscene mask to prove they have style and opinion.i dont know lads,but all this seems to me so hypocritical like...

aye, i see what you mean but this sounds too degrading and arrogant.
it's most kids tho, cos i see a lot sincere goths of my age and beyond, who do feel they are sincerely an exponent of a dark side or something of darkness within and that - everyone's got a right to feel what they feel, and express it the way they must.
if it's something i'm not like, thats ok, i wanna know what could be the reason for dressing up like it - but thats another thing.

what i'm bothered about is ppl who wanna look trendy and just pick out things from a completely different (and not their own) context, and just cover up a facade like - since were talking goth, most genuine goths do dress the way it may reflect their inner self perhaps. i dunno, i dont pay attention to it that much, its the inside that counts, and actually, most ppl who wear black can be quite illuminative from the inside!

dont judge too soon love - were all of the same difference

goth next door :lol:
I used to play in a goth band which wasn't a nice experience. I only joined cos they were gothic metal at the time and I had nothing better to do with my free time & needed something to take my mind off writing my final thesis. it was all about image and they asked me to go on stage wearing gothic clothes, look all serious and play the same riff over and over again. they were really close minded & there was absolutely no artistic freedom. ok maybe i did push it too far by starting to do a blues solo in the middle of a set but I don't give a shit. fuck them. I don't wish them any success whatsoever and I hope they get thrown rotten tomatoes at gigs. (which they probably will, cos they're crap since I left).

same goes for all goth retards.
I dont dress like a goth at all, nor metal like but in my heart i'm both so dont offend me like this like..

and i usually dont have strong emotions about other peoples clothing so well.. try to find out whats wrong ;)

@Dora i didn't mean to offend anybody from here,otherwise i wouldnt have put this thread up.I was talking about "Gothic" being a trend and everybody trying to seem dark and gloomy just because it's cool and magic :ill: so no offence,eh? ;)

i especially mentioned the clothes ,as it was the reason why it all started(i was searching for clothes).I wont judge people by them clothes,as long as THEY wear the garment,not the garment wears THEM ;)

if you ask me,i adore all them vintage puffy dresses that were being worn in the past centuries,since i was tiny tiny.and i like to collect dresses and coats,gloves and relevant garments,as i've always been attracted by stuff this clothing "represents"(mystererious past centuries,metaphysics,parapsychology,witchcraft,conspiracies and anything beyond "normal").There are times tho,that i cant even bear black and all this gloominess and i'm taken over by my Anime-crazy,britpop-ish mood and i dress up in pink jackets and baby-blue adidas :lol: :lol: i just cant have only "one style" of dressing,as i have many sides as a character.I'm a typical half human-half centaur.Sagittarius like :p
Strangelight said:
Leave the poor little goths alone. There are idiots in every scene and people who try to hard to be something they're not, plazzys and that. Theres tons of phoney people about in general...
Say that again :lol: Human stupidity knows no border :ill:

i'd been tricked in the past,thinking with my stupidly romantic/naive/girlish mind that certain people that listen to certain music or are representatives of certain music,follow the spirit of that music(mood ,lyrics).in other words e.g. people who listen to Anathema are sensitive,deep thinkers,broad minded,light spirits,serious people.I had other than a soft landing :ill:
Cenk said:
I used to play in a goth band which wasn't a nice experience. I only joined cos they were gothic metal at the time and I had nothing better to do with my free time & needed something to take my mind off writing my final thesis. it was all about image and they asked me to go on stage wearing gothic clothes, look all serious and play the same riff over and over again. they were really close minded & there was absolutely no artistic freedom. ok maybe i did push it too far by starting to do a blues solo in the middle of a set but I don't give a shit. fuck them. I don't wish them any success whatsoever and I hope they get thrown rotten tomatoes at gigs. (which they probably will, cos they're crap since I left).

same goes for all goth retards.
i liked a lot some poem that you posted about a gothic girl once :lol: it represents many of my thoughts about the matter :)
toolsofthetrade said:
aye, i see what you mean but this sounds too degrading and arrogant.
it's most kids tho, cos i see a lot sincere goths of my age and beyond, who do feel they are sincerely an exponent of a dark side or something of darkness within and that - everyone's got a right to feel what they feel, and express it the way they must.
agreed.i like people that can support what they are wearing.i was mostly aiming at the trendy goths----->"im not talking about so-called pagans,wiccans and apocryphists(although i do question even them) im talking about kids at play,big kids that think they live in a neverending Halloween ..."

toolsofthetrade said:
what i'm bothered about is ppl who wanna look trendy and just pick out things from a completely different (and not their own) context, and just cover up a facade like - since were talking goth, most genuine goths do dress the way it may reflect their inner self perhaps. i dunno, i dont pay attention to it that much, its the inside that counts, and actually, most ppl who wear black can be quite illuminative from the inside!.
in the future we'll have other things to deal with,so we wont care about these people.i cant deny it annoys me a lot these days tho.I dont doubt some people who wear black can be illuminative,the opposite counts too tho.Someone who wear pink can be blacker than someone who wears black fanatically :lol: cheers:)
somnium_in_tenebris said:
Say that again :lol: Human stupidity knows no border :ill:

i'd been tricked in the past,thinking with my stupidly romantic/naive/girlish mind that certain people that listen to certain music or are representatives of certain music,follow the spirit of that music(mood ,lyrics).in other words e.g. people who listen to Anathema are sensitive,deep thinkers,broad minded,light spirits,serious people.I had other than a soft landing :ill:
If you were sensitive and broad minded you wouldn't be trying to belittle the goth scene now would you?
ah no,i didnt print declarations about Anti-Goth attitude and go shout it to everyone,i made a thread in this e-whore that we call forum.everybody takes out his hangups in here.Im familiar with the environment,being bashed so many times and that,so..:Smug::Smug:

people post threads for nothing,one more thread doesnt do any harm.

im neither very sensitive or dead broad minded.there's still way to walk.being sensitive in the wrong ways did me harm really :ill:
"people who listen to Anathema are sensitive,deep thinkers,broad minded,light spirits,serious people."...

its because you are maybe naive or blind

if you judge ppl from anathema songs then you must also consider them being seriously mentally ill as well, or crazy ones having troubled childhood, lots of them are ignorant paranoid idiots and that, being sensitive doesnt mean being wise and calm, its closer to madness. Same goes for goths, i think for them its quite normal to fancy nails and coffins and blood. Still the question is why are you upset about it, what effect does it have on your life? Arent you just oversensitive twisted minded not-normal-enough person like all the others here? Each ppl express themselves in different ways, some introverted ppl dont even express themselves though, but some do. Does extroverted flashers frustrate you? Why? And I think its wrong to judge it by clothes.. its often exaggerated. Clothes can be exaggerated but anything else can be too. Like speech and thoughts. E.g. I dont wear any goth shit, not even a black t-shirt - not to mention the lack of vampire teeth and bloodstains - still I can be scary .. :) like, scary by making ppl speak about computers the way I do for example.. Haha..
Strangelight said:
If you were sensitive and broad minded you wouldn't be trying to belittle the goth scene now would you?
she wasnt really, was she? just the Jimmy-wannabe-fashionable-but-dont-know-where-it-comes-from's / ignorant fanbois n gals, which is fair enuff. but judging sux overall anyways...