gotta love cleveland


Jan 21, 2003
Pineville, WV
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hell yea, well i found out my fave band is touring now, after a one month hiatus from my computer i came back to school after christmas break to find that the closest that they are coming is cleveland, 6.5 hours, ugh, oh well small price to pay to see opeth, i mean come on, who else is traveling far to see them? i noticed that one person is from kentucky where are you seeing them?
I have about a 4 hour drive to either Cleveland or Pittsburg.. I chose Pittsburg this time around, as the Agora is in a shitty neighborhood.. been there a bunch of times.. decent place.. but..
Originally posted by Lacent
hell yea, well i found out my fave band is touring now, after a one month hiatus from my computer i came back to school after christmas break to find that the closest that they are coming is cleveland, 6.5 hours, ugh, oh well small price to pay to see opeth, i mean come on, who else is traveling far to see them? i noticed that one person is from kentucky where are you seeing them?

Pittsburgh is closer to you. 315 miles vs. 340 miles and about a half hour quicker. Beautiful area you're from, by the way. Of course, Pittsburgh is on a Thurs while I think Cleveland is on a Sat.
I remember back in '85 it took me 3 days to get to Rio. About 1,500 miles. Train , buses and the jungle. It was worth it to see Maiden, Ozzy, AC/DC, Queen, Whitesnake. Just awesome over 250,000 peolple atended every show.
yea me and my beautiful girl are heading up, any of you guys wanna meet up and hang out at the show? here is a pic of us so you can find us, shouldnt be to hard to spot probably the only people in the joint wearing american eagle, lol, but anywho, and yea pitt is closer, but i believe its at a night club and my girl wouldnt be able to get in, also we already have tickets for cleveland and i have never been there so its gonna be fun

Hehe just got my tickets. I rarely get days off from work ,and I was so glad I wasnt working this weekend. So me and my girl are heading to Cleveland about 3 1/2 - 4 hour drive.

I keep hearing how bad of an area the Agora is in........

I guess 3 Doors Down is playing next door at the theater so Opeth fans dont be too excited about the large crowd. Even though Im sure we'll have a nice number of people as well.
Cleveland is about a two hour drive for me, not so bad!

the agora ballroom is ok, not so big. i have played there and seen groups there many times, never any trouble. I guess the neighborhood seems a little weird, you might see some winos or something, but nothing too dangerous.
parking can be a little expensive, but definitely use the 'pay to park' lot.
It is one big building with two rooms, so you can wander into three dorks down if you want to.
I saw Kreator there a few weeks back, and all these little green haired and shopping mall punk kids from the other side would come into the ballroom. - haha!
We will probably hang out back by the sound board until Opeth starts. I bet it will be sold out, with an insane mosh pit and very bad air, so get watered up!
aye, thats a good ways, yea we will probably be by the sound booth the whole time, if it were just me i would be up in the front row do or die, but i dont wanna get seperated from my girl and have something bad happen (i know how crowds are to girls, seen it at WAY to many shows) so we will just stick back and watch the show, besides, opeth is gonna be the shit no matter where you are in the room, know what i mean?

but god i am so excited i have been litterally shaking for a week now, every time i think about it i get nervous, its incredible, i dont think i have ever been this excited for anything before
aye, thats a good ways, yea we will probably be by the sound booth the whole time, if it were just me i would be up in the front row do or die, but i dont wanna get seperated from my girl and have something bad happen (i know how crowds are to girls, seen it at WAY to many shows) so we will just stick back and watch the show, besides, opeth is gonna be the shit no matter where you are in the room, know what i mean?

but god i am so excited i have been litterally shaking for a week now, every time i think about it i get nervous, its incredible, i dont think i have ever been this excited for anything before

as for the section of town this is in, i have heard its a bad part of town, but if its really not that bad i wont worry about it, i just dont want my truck to get jacked, i'm not really worried about getting attacked, i am a pretty big guy so its not really an issue i dont believe
Guys generally treat me well in the mosh pits.....although I absolutely loathe the pit...but I'm always in it....

Anyway I have a question about Agora......they say no cameras.....but how much do they search? ;)
I have a plan to get a camera in that I think would work....I won't necessarily use it, but I want it, just in case something cool for example...I used to love Nothingface (shamefully but what can I do), and I went to see them on the Pantera tour, and after they finished their set, I fought my way out of the pit with the t-shirt that I'd just caught, and during Soulfly I met Nothingface's drummer. I would have killed for a camera.

Will they check inside my purse and like go through it? hehe...
even if the camera is wrapped inside something "feminine" :lol:
My friend brings his digital camera into the Agora all the time. They are having another event in the building that night so security may be tighter than usual. In other words I have no idea if you can get away with it or not, but it is worth a shot.
Yes, I thought so too, but I mean have you ever seen them actually open a girl's purse and search through it? Every show I've ever been to, they hardly lay a finger on me while they pat the guys down very well.
hahaha yesss
I'll get an enormous maxi pad wrapper and stick 'er in there. It'll be a small, disposable camera.
I thought of that like a month ago and thought myself quite clever :D