Grand Rapids show...Whos going?

I am going. Just topped off the fluids and aired up the tires today for the three-hour trip this Friday. Also seeing the Primus double-header at the Michigan Theater tomarrow night.
I'm really REALLY hoping to be pleasantly surprised with Anthrax's setlist.

I mean I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever they play if I get to see them live next year, but the only songs they HAVE to play are Caught in A Mosh, Indians and I Am The Law. For the love of god please mix things up!
My quess is that setlist will look almost like the one they had on MOMD - except songs from WCFYA are replaced with the ones from WM. I hope I'm wrong though...:)

I'll be at the Minneapolis show on Sunday. It's my first time seeing them headline since Joey came back (I did see them open the Slayer/Megadeth tour in Atlanta last year, but it was such a short set). Looking forward to hearing some reviews of those of you going to the first two shows!
Me too - Sweden Rock Festival 2003. Killer show.

Let's bring them to Europe soon, Johnny, Social Distortion and everybody living here! :popcorn: