GRAND THEFT AUTO... worse than child molesting?

Grand Theft Auto is not politically correct, never meant to be either. Vice city is a very fun game to play though. And the anything goes quote is not true because if you do you get caught by the police, you have to be careful and use just the right amount of violence :)
i *love* the chainsaw mission. the way the fat guy runs in diagonal lines away from you screaming rules. i *HATE* the missions where you have to fly mini helicopters and planes.
hey, how about the PARENTS of children provide them with LIFE LESSONS and develop their CHARACTER in such a way that they know that HURTING PEOPLE IS WRONG!?

no, no, that would never work....

The problem isn't violent video games, it's putting htem in the hands of people who are mentally under ten years old. You also need to have enough mental capacity and common sense to see that you can't (shouldn't) do this in real life, as some people don't seem to be able to understand *cough*lieberman*cough*.
And what's wrong with killing Haitians in a video game?

To me, anyone south of Pennsylvania is a mexican ;)
That killing Haitians stuff is absolutely hilarious to point out as racism... but people are stupid and that is to be expected.

Funny that the author thinks this is worse than child molestation, I fail to see how a game could ever compare with mentally and physically raping and ruining a person at a young age. I'd like to smack the author a few times and tell him to open his goddamned blindered eyes.