

The Entwined
Nov 23, 2001
Switzerland / Croatia
Some of you have maybe already heard of it at the Anathema mailinglist... Since some of the people here will be at the Graspop we thought that it would be cool to make a kind of Anathema-meeting point to see the people behing all those nics :)
If someone's interested mail Heiko from the mailinglist to this address
This is gonna be just fine. And I'm silently hoping that Danny will read this to and thinks, "hmm let's see those anathemaniacs over there... "
Originally posted by Mariner
This is gonna be just fine. And I'm silently hoping that Danny will read this to and thinks, "hmm let's see those anathemaniacs over there... "

Yes, that would be cool :)
I think the guys will be running around anyway and so it won't be that hard to catch them for a short talk ;) I like this band for beeing in such good contacts to their fans.. And of course I hope that Jamie will be hanging around with them again... hoping this time as more than just the "merchandise-boy" :D
As a merchandise boy? It would be great if he plays a song along with them! Altough I don't really know him
Heiko told me that he got mails from only a few people so I wanted to remind you of it again :).
We thought about two different times on Friday so onone whould have to miss the meeting because of a concert :).. or a concert because of a meeting :D
Originally posted by Beyond
a meeting would be smashing...
I´m already in the mood for Graspop!

greetings from bonngermany, rushster.

i agree. i dont know what time we'll arrive though. it should be well before the gig anyway.
I just got this mail from Heiko about the times at the Graspop:
"Well, announced and considered a few times, now here it is: a proposition
for meeting points and places on Graspop.

First meeting point/time: This one is for the early visitors.  Everyone who
is on the festival area in time and all that, at 3 pm we will be meeting
right before the PA of Marquee I (where Anathema will play later that day).
On that moment, the opening band Xeah will be playing in the other marquee,
so for everyone who is in time, it should be easy to meet at this point.

Second meeting point: In case some people only arrive late.  At 8.30 pm
(after the Moonspell gig) we will be meeting again, at the same place as the
first time: at the PA stand of Marquee I (where Moonspell played).  Under
those circumstances we have two hours to debate on the songs that Anathema
should be playing that day.  (In case we would reach an agreement soon, we
can still go watch After Forever in the other marquee).

Third meeting point: midnight, in front of the main stage.  As the fans of
Agnostic Front and Saxon will be piling up in both marquees, we will have
but the main stage left to be able to meet.  Hopefully Vinnie, Danny, Jamie,
John and Lez will be so kind to join us there (with a couple of beers ;)).
I count on you to drag your bandmates over there with you, Dougie!

And I count on Duncan to be there with us at the second meeting point, to
enjoy the show together with us.  Hopefully you can make it, Duncan."

Hope to see you there :hotjump:
Originally posted by Diabolicum
It would be unbelievably cool to meet Danny and Vinnie, though my English is BAAAAAAD so I don't know if I will be able to say anything :s I already told my best friend (100% Anathemafan too)that I may be meeting them and he's fuckin' jealous :D (he can't come)

I cant come either - my nan told me :cry:
An announcement:
there'll be an hairy chest competition among anathema fans during the graspop :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok, I have to say something! I am a woman and I definitely don't have a hairy chest (and it has also nothing to do with my preference!!!*gg*) so this announcement is NOT from me!!!:lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Diabolicum
Well let's make a big booby test too than!:dopey:
