Graveyard Dirt - Shadows of Old Ghosts

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Hailing from Ireland, these bastards have been around since the early 90's, with nothing but a fleeting demo offered in '96 to their name. Two years ago they managed to scrape up the effort and monies to produce an ep as majestic as a literate negar. All the prerequisites of honoring the trailblazers of yesteryear have been checkmarked, while the goal of etching out their own path has been checkmated. (See what I did there?) Dorian, fret not, you no longer have an excuse to be bored, as 34 minutes of doom is about to rise from the floor board underneath Anders crib, to engulf you in a sonic dirge of Wal-mart destroying dystrophy. The vocals of Paul Leyden, are very reminiscent of the sloppy joe bearded lad from Mael Mordha at times, fierce, barbaric, confident!! Melancholic riffing dominates with piano interludes played by the frail fingers of cherubs cast out by chaste broken promises. Ali, brother, where art thou? This band is your Mumbai calling, Solstice can now rest easy. Listen or Cease to Existin'
Bump. Wtf is happening to this place, nobody interested in stellar new music nowadays?! That mediocre Behemoth album garnered 6 dleds, where as Graveyard Dirt didn't get even a pity dled.

P.S Sonya Sotamoyor looks like a clocktower fell on her face and gave her bell's palsy. Dead skin mask, get this bint off my screen!!! :erk:
i dont download, so.....

but gave this a 4.8/5, but im not sure that counts since the band is irish (kinda like how terrorizer thinks every british band is the next big thing

i might check it out based on the solstice mention.
Just checked out the Myspace tracks, but it didn't hit me that hard. It did make me want to listen to the entire EP though.
Russell, UM centers around this forum and this forum alone.

Fuck I love the slow trodden riff sandwich that coincides with the spoken prose of...

"The breeze it blows against my skin
A radiance from within
Amidst the fires now I'm free
Romance this place, my destiny

Moments such as these make me want to bang my fist frenetically and kill. :kickass:

Edit - There's a couple parts that are strinkingly akin to Dance the Marble Naked. Especially the opening of Gathering Storm.
Edit - There's a couple parts that are strinkingly akin to Dance the Marble Naked.

Speaking of which, this is one of my favorite death/doom records of all time. Looking at a previous march madness tourney, this album was destroyed by Evoken by a landslide. Only 1 vote garnered, probably cast by me. Is it that no one is familiar with this gem, or do they find it to be complete stank? Surely, can't be the latter. Separate thread to come, if anybody shows if the slightest hint of interest.* :worship:

*Nah that won't happen.
Fuck I love the slow trodden riff sandwich that coincides with the spoken prose of...

"The breeze it blows against my skin
A radiance from within
Amidst the fires now I'm free
Romance this place, my destiny

Which track is this in? I want to go right there. So far I'm digging what I hear on myspace but a slow trodden riff sandwich needs to be addressed immediately.
Well I'm a shill, so what may be a double decker ham/turkey swiss on Rye, maybe be a PB&J after critical analysis. Rob, this isn't about technical prowess, this is all about emotion, and what I gather from the conclusion to Rise...Fallen Skies is fist pumping, neck wrenching, dagger in to a ewe inducing, doom from the crimson firmament, self-inflicted bukakke.
This stuff is pretty solid. Whilst "Rise...Fallen Skies" did not do much for me, "A Tearless Lament" is certainly gettin' me goin.


edit - spoken word part for the fail
Speaking of which, this is one of my favorite death/doom records of all time. Looking at a previous march madness tourney, this album was destroyed by Evoken by a landslide. Only 1 vote garnered, probably cast by me. Is it that no one is familiar with this gem, or do they find it to be complete stank? Surely, can't be the latter. Separate thread to come, if anybody shows if the slightest hint of interest.* :worship:
dance the marble naked -- it fucking sucks because the vocalist completely destroys it. the riffs are okay but god DAMN those are fucking awful vocals.

also even if the vocals were decent i'm not sure why you would listen to a second rate my dying bride and anathema clone when my dying bride and anathema do, in fact, exist
D/L the graveyard Dirt. Opinion to come later.

Decent stuff. Not something I am going to run out and buy but good. I think the last track was my favorite. It was good enough that I plan on going it a few more listens before my final judgment. Either way, cheers to Jerry for at least trying to get some music discussion going on.
I didn't fall in love with this release until a good 10 spins in. Just throw it on in the background when you're surfing the intarwebs and one day it will consume you like the almighty hand of Dr. Pete.
For any interested parties 2 tracks(Enslaved by Grief & Silence Awakens) from the forthcoming debut album 'For Grace or Damnation' can now be heard at:

Album due for release late September.

A limited run available now for anyone that may be interested.
€13 incl P+P to USA.Paypal.
Drop us a line at

Alternatively it will soon be available from Ashen Productions