Great interview with Ripper on his split with Iced Earth...

"It's funny how things work out. I remember Jon always complaining how Richard Christy [former ICED EARTH drummer who quit the band in order to work for 'The Howard Stern Show'] left in the middle of a tour — he said, 'I'm gonna end up leaving' — and [Jon] said it was unprofessional. And I think to myself, I got fired two weeks before Christmas, which was kind of strange. But it makes you a better person."

haha ownd.
As with most splits of this nature, we'll never know the real story. Yeah, Jon looks bad here, but we obviously don't have all the facts. And Ripper admitting it was the right move (just at the wrong time) speaks volumes as well.

Not all that interested in starting a debate, but what other facts would you need? telling Ripper 2m before Blabbermouth and not even over the phone is unprofessional
telling Ripper 2m before Blabbermouth and not even over the phone is unprofessional

No one's disagreeing with that - bash Schaffer all you want for it.

All I'm saying is we still have no clue what the whole story was that caused Schaffer to make such a dramatic, sudden, and yes, unprofessional, change. It *could* be that Jon was simply being a prick and didn't feel like dealing with a long, drawn out coversation with Ripper, or waiting until after the holidays. Or it *could* be a million other things. Again, Ripper himself admitted it was the right decision (regardless of the unprofessional manner of that decision). Obviously the decision itself didn't shock him, just the timing of it.

Jason... I'm thinking we do know the whole story, at least in terms of how Ripper's dismissal went down. We don't know what led up to his departure or Matt's return, or what correlation exists between those two events. However, I think we can safely say, Jon handled this as he handles most things that concern the musicians who have played a part in Iced Earth; with a complete lack of respect. He trashed Matt when Matt left, and now notifies Tim via e-mail, two minutes before it hits Blabbermouth. I think the verdict is in.

Hey... I know you've had a chance to hang with him, and that he was very cool to you. And when I interviewed him, he couldn't have been cooler. However, everyone who leaves Iced Earth either trashes him or takes the high road (but makes it quite clear they're taking the high road). Additionally, I've personally heard musicians that have toured with him talk about what kind of guy he is... and it wasn't flattering. I think it's probably fair to say, that when he's in regular person mode or dealing with his fans, he's one type of person, but when it comes to the handling of Iced Earth, he's clearly another.

Jason... I'm thinking we do know the whole story, at least in terms of how Ripper's dismissal went down. We don't know what led up to his departure or Matt's return, or what correlation exists between those two events.

Wait... that actually exactly what I was trying to say. :)

Zod said:
Hey... I know you've had a chance to hang with him, and that he was very cool to you. And when I interviewed him, he couldn't have been cooler. However, everyone who leaves Iced Earth either trashes him or takes the high road (but makes it quite clear they're taking the high road). Additionally, I've personally heard musicians that have toured with him talk about what kind of guy he is... and it wasn't flattering. I think it's probably fair to say, that when he's in regular person mode or dealing with his fans, he's one type of person, but when it comes to the handling of Iced Earth, he's clearly another.

Believe me, I'm not trying to defend Schaffer's handling of the situation at all or the way he's related to his band members over the years in any way, shape or form. The record speaks for itself. I just think it's not entirely impossible that Ripper may have forced Jon's hand a bit in some manner, that's all (even if what happened was ridiculous).

I'm not a fan of Iced Earth's Ripper-era material, but the guy deserved more than a two minute notice and it's a shame that it went down this way. Owens does seem to have had the unfortunate luck of trying to fill the shoes of two notable fan favorites, I hope he gets more of a chance to shine on his own after the split.
However, everyone who leaves Iced Earth either trashes him or takes the high road (but makes it quite clear they're taking the high road).

It should be noted that at least three people who have left Iced Earth have later returned to Iced Earth (one of them twice!) That suggests the story isn't quite so simple.

By the way, when I watched that Roger Clemens interview on 60 Minutes, it was uncanny how much he reminded me of Jon Schaffer: in his mannerisms, speaking style, and attitude. Don't know what that means, but there it is!

I think anyone who believes so strongly in what they do and also uses it as the primary way to feed and support a family is bound to use tactics that make sense to them, but seem dirty and underhanded to others.
May business owners and others who believe strongly in what they belive in, and use it to feed and support a family, treat other members of the company with respect and dignity. No one is "bound" to use underhanded and cowardly tactics. Yet another singer is dismissed via the internet rather than face to face. I strongly suspect in both cases avoidance of confontation is the main reason it was done that way. There are ways to end associations without resorting to unprofessional behavior, but it involves integrity which seems a bit lacking.
Nobody will excuse Jon for how he handled all the dismissals. However, ask yourself this question: If Matt Barlow was not married to Jon's sister, do you think Jon would have brought Matt back?

Case Closed.
You shouldn't break up with your significant other over the phone or over email, nor should you quit your job over a phone/email. What Jon did was very unprofessional, and Tim seems to have handled it quite well.

All the best to both parties in the end.
However, ask yourself this question: If Matt Barlow was not married to Jon's sister, do you think Jon would have brought Matt back?
Yep. One has nothing to with the other. If you read between the lines, with what Tim said, the last disc was a failure, at least in terms of what Jon wanted. And as Tim said, it's easier to blame the new guy than look inward.

Jon has a debilitating back issue, that keeps him from touring the way he would like, and subsequently, growing the band in the way he would like. I suspect he's finally come to terms with the fact, that he just can't tour with any frequency. And if he can't tour, than Matt's limited availability is no longer an issue. Combine this with Matt's desire to return to music, and Matt rejoining Iced Earth became a no-brainer.

I think anyone who believes so strongly in what they do and also uses it as the primary way to feed and support a family is bound to use tactics that make sense to them, but seem dirty and underhanded to others.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that Jon doesn't have the right to replace musicians as he sees fit. It's his band, and he may do with it as he pleases. However, there's simply no reason to handle things as he did.

Cool...seems like a very honest account of how things went down, at least from Tim's perspective...and he remains classy about it. I don't mind that Tim isn't in the band anymore, but it's really unfortunate it had to end like that :( I wonder if we'll get a detailed explanation like this from Jon concerning Tim's departure? Even if we do, most people will probably just dismiss it anyway and say Jon's an asshole :lol:
By the way, when I watched that Roger Clemens interview on 60 Minutes, it was uncanny how much he reminded me of Jon Schaffer: in his mannerisms, speaking style, and attitude. Don't know what that means, but there it is!


LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just thinking how much Ripper LOOKS (not speaks) like Clemens!! That's weird!!

Chris :headbang:
I don't think anyone is suggesting that Jon doesn't have the right to replace musicians as he sees fit. It's his band, and he may do with it as he pleases. However, there's simply no reason to handle things as he did.

True. As I do love Ripper in anything he's been involved. I do believe, too that his dismissal from IE could've been handled better. On the other hand, I was also not there and didn't see the whole situation as it evolved with my own eyes. So, to completely pass judgement on either side is incorrect. Jon's reputation for being a perfectionist is the damning evidence to be sure. We'll all agree to disagree on the circumstances of Ripper's dismissal. No doubt about that. In any business, people are hired and fired every day because the individuals running these businesses want the best people they believe in their minds to be working for them.