Great Metal Hammer review re 13th Day


Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
oh no hang on i meant Shite Metal Hammer review.. i'll post it on here when i can quote directly ... we got 4/10 and weren't very Intense .... WHAT !!!!!!!! :yell: I must have been at the wrong show then.. i thought we did okay and had a lot of audience participation... will delve further... :D
Dude, Intense were fucking incredible at 13D easily second best after sonta arctica (sorry but it was sonata arctica!)

Collision of destinys was especially good!!
Mate, this is the same magazine that used a picture of circa 2000 Mayhem too illustrate how stupid Dead's name was... wtf???

It's a fucking rag that wouldn't know real metal if it beat it round the head.

Intense were the band of the day, no question.
Thanks for the support guys, it just pi**es me off when people either don't think or give a shit about what they're saying... if it ain't you bag that's fine but don't abuse your position :yuk: .. i'll post it up here in the next day or so... I think i drove everyone mad at Bloodstock talking about it heh heh... i really shouldn't dwell on such trivial things :D
I'm seeing a lot of this at the moment. It pisses me off as well when reviewers choose to rip into a band rather than back up what they are saying with actual reasons for their opinions.

I may not have been reviewing as long as some of these guys but I make a point of trying to bring out good points rather than show disrespect for someone elses work.

I thought you were up there with Sonata and Finntroll as the top three bands of the day.

I just wish that so-called professionals would show more consideration and support these days.
Thanks Andy, yeah i agree mate, though i've never heard of Louise Brown (think that's her name) so she must be a novice...
Saw you briefly yesterday mate, but weren't close enough to say "hello", must have a beer at some point... going to Dominion by any chance?
sean-intense said:
Thanks Andy, yeah i agree mate, though i've never heard of Louise Brown (think that's her name) so she must be a novice...
Saw you briefly yesterday mate, but weren't close enough to say "hello", must have a beer at some point... going to Dominion by any chance?

hehe, where was I at the time? I knew you were gonna be there but never even thought to come over to the PPUK stand. Damn I can be daft sometimes.....

But I shall definitely be at Dominion. I shall be working it but I'll definitely find time for a beer and chat. :headbang:

See ya there! :D
Dream Thief said:
hehe, where was I at the time? I knew you were gonna be there but never even thought to come over to the PPUK stand. Damn I can be daft sometimes.....

But I shall definitely be at Dominion. I shall be working it but I'll definitely find time for a beer and chat. :headbang:

See ya there! :D

heh heh no worries mate... i think everyone was busy socialising...
Will def see you at Dominion...
Did you meet Carole ?
Aye, I met up with Carole on the Friday early on in the evening. I saw her a little more briefly on the saturday too.

I don't think I met anyone this time for as long as I'd have liked but I guess I'll have a slightly longer review to show for it :tickled:
Metal Hammer have officially lost any grip on reality.

Intense: 4
Epica: 5
Dragonland: 7
Norther: 7
Sonata Arctica: 10

Norther and Dragonland were crap, Intense and Epica were awesome, and I was actually quite disappointed by Sonata "we don't need any lighting" Arctica.
That really is a terrible review. I actually loved Sonata and never really noticed the lighting...not sure how I missed that :tickled:

Agreed, Intense and Epica were fantastic. What score did they give Finntroll by the way?

I also would go with Norther and Dragonland being the most disappointing although I think Dragonland's problem was mainly the sound wasn't that great and it took a lot of atmosphere away. Norther were just not as good as I'd expected regardless of early sound issues.

Personally I would have awarded both Intense and Epica full marks as neither put a foot wrong. :headbang:
Dude how the hell can u say dragonland were crap?!

dragonland are amazing! all the bands put in 110% for there fans and i liked em all!
I agree with you 100% mate, Dragonland put in awesome effort and I love the band. They were unlucky with the sound in places though but definitely through no fault of their own.

All the bands put in a huge effort and I wouldn't dream of knocking any of the performances. I just expected the sound to have a little more punch. Even Sonata suffered from that in places, and I'm one of their biggest fans.
haha, in the same issue, for the reviews, they use a follow the reaper era promo shot of children of bodom, including alexander, for the new album. That's right, alexander who has been out of the band for over a year...
sean-intense said:
Thanks for the support guys, it just pi**es me off when people either don't think or give a shit about what they're saying... if it ain't you bag that's fine but don't abuse your position :yuk: .. i'll post it up here in the next day or so... I think i drove everyone mad at Bloodstock talking about it heh heh... i really shouldn't dwell on such trivial things :D

Fuckin' A, dude, I had to register just so I could agree with how horrible that review was.

I wasn't at the gig, and I'm not going to kiss ass saying how big an Intense fan I am (actually only listened to your album the once, but I was pretty impressed), but seriously, that's some of the worst journalism you're likely to see.

I can just see the wheels turning in her head:

"Well I've got limited space to work with here, and I didn't like them very much....oh, here's a clever way to completely write them off in a single sentence by turning their name around on them! And the editor won't mind since they're not a massivley well-known band, so I can prettymuch say whatever I want here. God I'm just so clever sometimes!"

Graggh, Metalcorehammer, what a rag.

Anyway, what of this rumour I've heard that Intense may be venturing north of the border in the near future?
Craig fae Glasgow said:
Fuckin' A, dude, I had to register just so I could agree with how horrible that review was.

I wasn't at the gig, and I'm not going to kiss ass saying how big an Intense fan I am (actually only listened to your album the once, but I was pretty impressed), but seriously, that's some of the worst journalism you're likely to see.

I can just see the wheels turning in her head:

"Well I've got limited space to work with here, and I didn't like them very much....oh, here's a clever way to completely write them off in a single sentence by turning their name around on them! And the editor won't mind since they're not a massivley well-known band, so I can prettymuch say whatever I want here. God I'm just so clever sometimes!"

Graggh, Metalcorehammer, what a rag.

Anyway, what of this rumour I've heard that Intense may be venturing north of the border in the near future?

Thanks for the comments, i think you're spot on.. i didn't even post the review here cause i didn't want to give "whatever her name was" the fame..

And yes i've been speaking to a promoter who wants to put Intense on and there will be a Glasgow date on the tour next year in support of the new album :headbang:
sean-intense said:
Thanks for the comments, i think you're spot on.. i didn't even post the review here cause i didn't want to give "whatever her name was" the fame..

And yes i've been speaking to a promoter who wants to put Intense on and there will be a Glasgow date on the tour next year in support of the new album :headbang:
Yass, looking forward to some sort of steel-forgin' sword-wavin' alliance between Intense, Syth and Argonath. Or something. :Spin:
thats a load of bullshit! you guys were what made the day for me at 13th day. I went to see Sonata Arctica and had never really heard of anyone else there (sorry but true).. i came in soaked through and feelin a lil shitty, then you guys came on... that made the day for me! anyways, just thought id post my support and say u guy deserved 10/10 easily. got me tickets for hull on the 2nd, guess i'll see you there :D, i'll be the scruffy git on the front row!