Great Resourse For Guitarists

OfSinsAndShred Thank man hope you like it.

shredder487395 said:
how do you learn all your theory? what bands and guitar players are you in too?

shredder487395 - Been working at it for about 18 years, took some music classes in college, and read a lot of books and such. The resources available on the web now a days are incredible so I'm always learning more. A lot of theory is like math and once you get the basics down you can figure out a lot of the stuff on your own.

I'm 33 now so the music I'm into has changed a lot over the years. Of course I love SymphonyX but other favorites of mine growning up were Satriani, Via and Dream Theater. Now a days I listen to a lot of Jazz Miles, Duke, Parker I also listen to a lot of classical, Mozart is the best but also Beethoven, Haydn and Vivaldi. I think once you get to a certin level you kinda have to start linisting to these forms of music because this is where it all comes from.

Thanks for the nice words.
Yes, this is a great website for guitarists. I've known about it for sometime and it really has opened up a lot of ideas for my practice routines.

Very good and well written songs you have there also, Mike. Loads of feel. :headbang:
Guitarmaster - Thanks. I get lots of comments about the site and I'm alway happy to hear that, but I get very few comments about my music, thank you so much.