Great White Nightclub Tragedy... the work of... Satan???

Cracks me up! This holier than thou crap coming from a group that supports people like terrorist organizer and supporter Sami Al-Arian, Arafat, and are pretty strident anti-semites and mexican seperationists. Then to compare Great White with Rigor Mortis, laughable! ='.'=
Ohhhh brother....

I'm surprised Iron Maiden wasn't listed on their "satanic band's" list...he didn't even mention CELTIC FROST, Mercyful Fate, King Diamond or Cradle of Filth....

Do your research!!!

That accident was do to IGNORANCE....devout Satanists denounce ignorance like the plague.
Keyser Soze said:

"...two more signs that the universe is governed by powerful forces of "Good & Evil"

So I'm a little confused here, pardon my stoopidity, but what is this saying exactly? 96 (or 98) people were relieved of life because they were Satanists? Ok, let's assume every one of them was, so which "powerful force" was in charge of this event actually? Would the "evil" force (ie Satan) remove a large group of devoted followers from "spreading the word" against that which is "good"? That seems to not make any sense. Would the "good" force (ie God) eliminate them because they didn't follow that which is considered "good"? Let me guess, this is an example of "what could happen to you" if you don't conform to the "policy"? Death, pain and suffering as a guidance path? Really? Sorry, not an example that I would ever support, or see any "good" in it under any circumstances. What Church of Irrational Thought are we supposed to believe in here?

Sorry for the rant. Better go sign up for some fire insurance....

BTW Rigor Mortis "Rigor Mortis" is a must have CD. Mike Scaccia kicks some serious ass on guitar. That article made me pull it off the shelf, haven't listned to that one in a while.
You listened to your Rigor Mortis CD? BAD EVIL DEVIL HUGGING HERETIC! :devil::yow:You will suffer eternal damnation and hellfire! A message from your local Church of Jesus Christ and Later Days...o_O:saint:

:worship: :Smokedev:<__ Devil worshipper smilie
Snausages said:
You listened to your Rigor Mortis CD? BAD EVIL DEVIL HUGGING HERETIC! :devil::yow:You will suffer eternal damnation and hellfire! A message from your local Church of Jesus Christ and Later Days...o_O:saint:

:worship: :Smokedev:<__ Devil worshipper smilie

Bring it on! Dimmu Borgir's "Godless Savage Garden" is next on the playlist (got it in the mail today) woohoo.

Remember, if you see coverage of a fire in Studio City on the news tonight, take heed, this could happen to you too! Guess I better stay off the golf course in the middle of any thunderstorms for the time being too.

I kinda thought Great White was too busy with their involvement with the Church of We're Here to Pick Up Chicks to have time for the Chruch of Satan anyway.
Bruce Chickinson said:
Ohhhh brother....

I'm surprised Iron Maiden wasn't listed on their "satanic band's" list...he didn't even mention CELTIC FROST, Mercyful Fate, King Diamond or Cradle of Filth....

Do your research!!!

That accident was do to IGNORANCE....devout Satanists denounce ignorance like the plague.

I think Krusty the Clown said it best when he said, "Oy Vey!"

Notice that the writer also forgot to add Venom, Slayer, Motley Crue, Metallica and many other artists that aren't necessarily Metal but could have been added because of their "Satanic" influence, including Acheron, Deicide, Non, Throbbing Gristle, Franz Liszt, Richard Wagner, Hector Berlioz, "Screamin'" Jay Hawkins, Diamanda Galas and many more.

Also, many of the bands that they do mention feature members that are avowed Christians, including Alice Cooper (who publicly announced year's ago that he's a "Born-Again" Christian and is also a friend of Pat Boone), Ozzy Osbourne (coincidentally, also a friend and one time next door neighbor of Pat Boone) as well as the other members of Black Sabbath and Twisted Sister (did you know that Dee Snider once wrote a Christmas song that was used by Celine Dion? THAT'S scary!). In fact, most of the lyrics that you'll read from most of the "satanic" bands out on the market owe more to Dennis Wheatley than they do to the devil in classical literature, a la Milton, Goethe, Twain, Dante, C.S. Lewis and others (their Satan is a far more entertaining and interesting character than scared Christian hysterics can ever hope to create).

I also love how this person couldn't be bothered to do a web search on the lyrics for Once Bitten, Twice Shy, the Ian Hunter song that Great White was opening the show with when the fire started. Find me an e-mail address for this idiot and I can almost guarantee you that when confronted with the facts that are GLARINGLY omitted, you'll get the same attitude that I have been getting from Christians once they find out that I'm a Satanist and/or a member of the Church of Satan (i.e. "Don't bother me with facts, my God has a bigger dick than your God!" Okay, it's an exaggeration, but I think you can understand where I'm coming from.). Threats of violence have not been uncommon nor has a unwillingness to even bother to listen to what's really going on with my beliefs...all this coming from people that preach tolerance and peace.

Whoever wrote this article is doing the same type of religous persecution that EVERY religious group has been doing against their enemies since the Romans were first confronted with the growing influence of Christianity and used the same type of propaganda against the Christians (who have also used the same thing against the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists...). It's boring and it's been done better. :saint:
Seems word got around quickly about this article. Even the OC Weekly printed up an article about it saying that Hitler was calling these "Chicano Fascists" saying that he wanted the racism and anti-Semetism back in the hands of whitey. :p
It is these fuckers who preach that you have to watch out for. For example, these people who are "Chritians" are the same ones who preach pro life, (which is a good thing, but should be the right of the person, not some other person making decisions for them,) and they go and kill the doctor, and half of his staff. Pro life huh? Since when did you become God? Did he tell you to go kill innocent people for your cause you psycho fuck?

It is great to have a belief, but to shove it down someones throat is disgusting. Who is to say any one religion is right? There are millions of people who worship Buddah and could careless about our "God" and bible etc...

Politics and religion piss me off cause everyone has their own views and opnions. You are entitled to have one but I dont have to like it. So if you ask me you might not like waht you hear. I usually dont even start a conversation in either, but since reading that little article by some brain trust I had to say something.

I would also like to say that SMYLEX is a smart mother fucker. Always has is facts together before he posts shit. Way to go.!
I used to go to church alla time, but I began noticing that everyone seemed to have a weekly list of "Who's gonna burn in hell". Being a non denominational protestant church, #1 was always the Catholics. Let God decide who's gonna get barbequed and who gets to kiss the cook. Several churches I went to (Baptist, Methodist, Calvinist, etc...) all had the same thing. I got tired of it.
I just laugh at these people. In fact, I may just play with them... let's reiterate a part of NOB..."Sacrafice is going on tonight" ... there's tons of them. These people have their head burried in a hole so far in the ground that I won't even attempt to hold an intelligent conversation with them. Why, because they're stupid. It's impossible to hold an intelligent conversation with somebody that's stupid. So, what do I do?? I just play with them. SIX, SIX-SIX, THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST... GOD I LOVE THAT SONG. (Is that a double negative or did I just contridict myself???)