Green Carnation - A Blessing In Disguise

The vocals are kinda different than the previous two cds, a lot softer on some songs, I haven't had time to give it an in depth listen yet but it seems like I'll like it. Its not as good as Light of Day though.
It's better than LoDDoD methinks. They're definitely delving further into prog and psychedelia and further from metal, but it's very good. At times it reminds me of Wolverine, at other times Pink Floyd. The best thing about this album is that it isn't just one song. It's a number of worthy compositions as opposed to one overly long, drawn out, ambitious and pompous behemoth of a track.
The song Lullaby In Winter has some nice strings during the part where the guitar riffs just build towards the end. Writings On The Wall also has keyboards right before that amazing, melodic solo section that add depth. Into Deep starts with a great bass and drum arrangement before launching into another gargantuan GC-style guitar riff. This album sounds so good I don't think I'll spoil any more of it..
Kushantaiidan said:
the cover art is gay..
Oh no, You've just made me realize that Green Carnation is a 100% Gay band. I just can't be a fan of this band anymore!! How stupid of me not to discover the total gayness of that album cover. That kid there will most likely be total faghead...

And the title "A Blessing in Disguise"! Jeezez, how gay is that....???!
Am I not looking hard enough... or can some one give me the track listing for the new album?

Spike :notworthy
Here you go

1.Crushed To Dust
2.Lullaby in Winter
3.Writings on the Wall
4.Into Deep
5.The Boy In The Attic
6.Two Seconds in Life
7.Myron & Cole
8.As Life Flows By
quickly spun through a few songs....

...sounds like Nightingale, sorta like alive Again....

i don't like it all that much... that introspective feeling of older stuff and In The Woods is gone....

maybe i just listened to wrong songs... must listen to the whole thing