GREEN CARNATION new albumdetails!!


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Aug 30, 2001
Oslo, Norway
Tchort, the Mastermind behind Green Carnation (also is/was in bands like Blood Red Throne, Mayhem, Einherjer, Emperor etc.), gives a lot of new details about Green Carnation’s follow-up to ”Light of Day, Day of Darkness”. In a recent interview with the Norwegian metalzine Tchort tells that the album will be named “The Writings on the Wall” and the band will start recording in January 2003.

”A little more rock and prog stuff, and a little less symphonic stuff are definitely what’s on my mind at the moment”

”There are only two songs that are ’ready’, which means the drums and the guitars are done and most of the arrangements, but the rest of the record is lose ideas, but we’ve started jamming a little to speed up my writing.”

“We start the recording in January 2003. The plan is to use different studios/locations. We are trying to tape the drums in a concert hall for the live feeling, while piano parts will be recorded in the Dom church here. The bass will be recorded on a tape in Jailhouse studios, while guitars and vocals are done in Dub Studios. Where we’re going to mix is not sure yet. Dub studios and Sound Suite are two alternatives.”

”The record will be called ”The Writings on the Wall”. It reflects that the album will contain a lot of small stories, instead of one concept.”

Official Green Carnation website:
Tchort's website: