Green Carnation


Tyrant in Distress
Anyone here hear the new Green Carnation CD yet? It's amazing. It is one song that is 60 minutes long. Musically, it is quite diverse, so I couldn't even attempt to categorize it. It sounds kind of like "In the Woods" if you've ever heard them, which isn't surprising considering "In the Woods" was formed from "Green Carnation". I like it better than any ITW albums I've heard, but that's my opinion. If you haven't heard it, check it out.

what a coincidence, in the morning i wrote that the cd isn't at the store yet here in the city. then the afternoon i went to the store again, and it was there!! the man there said that it finally arrived 6 weeks later than it should. i don't know what the problems were, but i have it now in any case, so that i can tell you soon if it's good :grin: