Greetings Earthlings!


Man Behind The Curtain
Dec 26, 2002
Welcome to our new forum. This is the place to discuss any of the activities of our labels as well as our mail order service. Tell us how much you love us or hate us! Let's talk about our bands - White Willow, Zero Hour, Woodenhead - any and all of 'em - even new signings.

My only real request is that if you have specific questions about your orders please email me at - this isn't the appropriate place to tell me to add Spastic Ink to your order.

Let's have some fun here!

Ken Golden
The Laser's Edge Group
Well Ken this is Omar Giovannetti from Puerto Rico, I'm a regular shopper on your site and I want to publicly thank you for your excellent service and awesome inventory, this is a great tool to know about the happenings of your labels and the site in general.
Ken...this is just a random comment from a big fan and semi-regular shopper...

Your site kicks really have the market on all things prog (and then some...). In the past 2 years, I have not had a single problem/complaint about an order.

I've got to compliment you on having the balls to stock all kinds of (prog, power, whatever-you-call-it) metal...and I love the discounting. If it wasn't for you, I never would have fulfilled my Rough Silk, Elegy, and Empyria collections.

Based on your reviews, I definitely would never have run across bands such as Hourglass, Time Machine, Poverty's No Crime, and Gordian really add fuel to the fire on the material you're advertising (just to name a few examples).

By the Zero Wuthering...Knight Area was a bit too much prog-light (even my wife made fun of me), but I kinda liked it...

Bottom an order on the way...not to mention the new Threshold on pre-order...and I'm sure I'll drop a load on you at PPV.

Keep it up!

Rock on!
Hi Ken,

Good to see you here! Funny thing is, my new UM forum was just put online too. Snap!

Good luck in the future. Your service is the best, and you have great taste in music - apart from the mellotron fetish that is..just kidding!!


Neil K.
Funny thing about the new White Willow's their heaviest by far but it also has more Mellotron than any of their previous discs.

Welcome to our new forum. This is the place to discuss any of the activities of our labels as well as our mail order service. Tell us how much you love us or hate us! Let's talk about our bands - White Willow, Zero Hour, Woodenhead - any and all of 'em - even new signings.

My only real request is that if you have specific questions about your orders please email me at - this isn't the appropriate place to tell me to add Spastic Ink to your order.

Let's have some fun here!

Ken Golden
The Laser's Edge Group

I Am Ken !!