Greetings & News from Sun Caged!!!

Hello people & greetings Enchant!

Below I'm pasting my little blub about our latest happenings. I know it's kind of generic, but I hope you'll forgive it this time on account of the fact that I've been following Enchant for years, even way before I joined Sun Caged. Also chatted and had a few drinks with Ted & Doug after the first CalProg show. Another relevant note, just after I joined Sun Caged we had an offer to tour with Enchant after Jadis (I think it was?) dropped out. Sadly we had to decline because we had just started rehearsing after my move to Europe and weren't road ready yet. But I sure hope we can do some shows together in the future!

Take care, and hope you're all having a great start to 2007... please read on... :)

Greetings music fans,

I want to take this moment to try and connect with you. If you already know of Sun Caged then this is a notice that the wait for the second album will soon be at an end! Artemisia will be released by Lion Music on March 23, 2007. If you have not heard of us yet, then this is an invitation to check us out!

I know this may seem somewhat “spam-ish” but this is not random. I’m taking the time to write this and post it here because I believe you will find our music to your liking. Let’s face it, the way the music industry is in this day and age, a band has to create its own success and there’s only one true way to do that: create public awareness, i.e. get your music heard by the people who matter: music fans!

We are essentially a new band again. Sure, our sound is still relevant to fans of the first album, but there is a new chemistry completely its own as well. Melodic and moody at times, but still plenty of hard hitting action…and of course mind-bending instrumental dexterity (don’t take that as arrogant self-praise, this is the singer talking, and I’m just giving you my opinion of the great instrumentals, lol)

We’ve been off the radar for a while, but Sun Caged has big plans for 2007. We’ve already got some great shows lined up including a cd release party in Helmond, NL (March 23rd) and a support slot for the mighty Spock’s Beard in May!

So please stop by our page at We have brand new pics and artwork up, plus a full album teaser, and one complete (8+ min) song for you to hear! ( is still operational, but needs to be redesigned, so right now it’s just has some links and the album cover)

And finally, one more note: Our friends at internet radio are going to debut the 10 minute mini epic “Bloodlines”. That’ll be Feb. 15th during The Rogue’s Gallery (which starts at 8:00pm Pacific time) and again on Feb. 16th during Epic Prog (which starts at 6:00pm Pacific time).

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and we hope to see you real soon!!!


Paul Adrian Villarreal, (and on behalf of Marcel, Roel, Rene and Roel too)
Holy crap - GREAT NEWS!!!!!

I am a HUGE fan of the band and the first album...... and was bummed when SC had to drop out of the Prog Power preparty years back.....

So glad to hear about the new album - and same release date as Threshold's new CD - gonna be a good music week that week

New Suncaged and Threshold and LIVE ENCHANT on Sat....

:rock: :rock: :rock:

Thanks for posting up this news!
Hey Jurgen :kickass:

I try, man, I try....but it's tough going. I can usually follow what people are talking about...for example, the other day, I was flipping through our German tv channels and found a fascinating medical documentary on clitoral reconstructive surgery for those unfortunate women who the not nice thing done to them when they were was weird...I was like, what an uncomfortable subject, and yet, I'm happy because I can kind of understand them...

I've also learned enough words that I can somewhat decifer written German, but the grammar is so unfamiliar to me that actually "Saying" something is still way out of reach...but it's fun to learn and try anyway :)

I'd probably be doing better, but my progress is slowed because I also spend several hours each week trying to decode the Dutch conversations of my bandmates, :lol: I'm about at the same level there as I am with my German.

oh well, another 10 years andI'll have it for sure! ;)
Hey Jurgen :kickass:

I try, man, I try....but it's tough going. I can usually follow what people are talking about...for example, the other day, I was flipping through our German tv channels and found a fascinating medical documentary on clitoral reconstructive surgery for those unfortunate women who the not nice thing done to them when they were was weird...I was like, what an uncomfortable subject, and yet, I'm happy because I can kind of understand them...

I've also learned enough words that I can somewhat decifer written German, but the grammar is so unfamiliar to me that actually "Saying" something is still way out of reach...but it's fun to learn and try anyway :)

I'd probably be doing better, but my progress is slowed because I also spend several hours each week trying to decode the Dutch conversations of my bandmates, :lol: I'm about at the same level there as I am with my German.

oh well, another 10 years andI'll have it for sure! ;)
First of all, congrats on joining the band and on the new CD coming out! I look forward to hearing it.

I took three years of German in high school but never got a chance to use it until about 6 years after I graduated. Not to much German spoken over here. ;) But I was living in Belgium for three months and visited Germany a couple of times. However, I did find thast my knowledge of German GREATLY helped me pick up Dutch pretty quickly. After three months, I was even fooling the natives. They couldn't figure out my accent, but they did understand me. Imagine their surprise to find that I am American!

Good luck with everything!