
Children Of The Damned

New Metal Member
Jun 9, 2006
Hey there everyone,

Just here to introduce my self. First of all I live in Australia, don't know if there are many other Aussies on this board but i'm sure i'll find some.

I like all kinds of metal, classic/thrash/death etc. The bands most listened to by me are Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Katatonia, Kalmah and Blind Guardian. Although I like a lot more they just happen to be my favourites at the current time.

Well thats all there is to know about me at the moment and I hope to see you all around the forums.

Stay metal.
Hey Matt, Welcome to UM
cool to see andother Aussie around :kickass: ...where abouts to you hail from in this great country of ours
Tis' a great country eh? ;)

I'm in Perth, possibly the most boring place. What about yourself?


EDIT : I just read your profile, don't worry. Adelaide, right?