Greg Christian drug problem?


Jan 30, 2011
I saw these guys in San Diego. Greg was out front scoring drugs off some dirtballs before the show. He looked totally fucked up on stage. Testament were fuckin amazing, but I am a bit worried about Greg. I hope the dude isn't hooked on the bad stuff. He looks like he may be and that is sad. I hope the best for him
I sure hope it's not true..or that he doesn't let it get the best of him if it is.

I just read an interview with Eric Peterson from a few years back saying that Greg was a drug addict and thats why they didn't use him on some albums. Then he cleaned up and came back. From what I saw the other night its pretty clear at least for one night he was back on some shit... hopefully its a short lived relapse :zzz: It was sad thats for sure. He looked really bad outside just standing on the street chain smoking. Then he took some shit from a dirt bag looking guy and put it into his cig pack and walked away. Not a good sign. I have had several friends heavily addicted to meth, crack, heroin etc. What I saw the other night was the same exact shit I'd see my friends do... a few of them are not alive to talk about it now

Greg seems like a really sweet guy. I hope the best for him