greg's beard thread


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
i shaved my beard completely a couple weeks ago. this thread is meant to report the progress on my new beard.

it is now at a shaped 30% i would say. it doesn't look like a lazy man's stubble anymore and it has definite form to it.

i expect to be fully bearded and ready for action by the mini-tour in april.
in other beard news, I will be shaving mine for the first time in some 5 years when I go on vacation this weekend. whether or not I'll keep it off remains to be seen.

i'm scairt.
sometimes i go for a long weekend without shaving and multiple people say "hey, you're growing a beard!" and i say "No, I'm just lazy!"

i'm guessing the dark hair shows up more easily and exhibits beard potential quickly.
I envy those capable of growing facial hair, I am and continue to be a complete failure in this department. I first started getting comments about my stubble 2 days ago. I haven't shaved in nearly a month.
of course, before I shave completely I will test the waters with various configurations of facial hair including the handlebar mustasche. Pics to follow.
I spent the better part of Christmas break and the beginning of this semester attempting to get my mustache long enough (with beard not only 'stache, I just trimmed the beard and not the mustache) so I could wax it and have it curl up on the sides. I even bought the pomade for the job from Sack 'n Save. Unfortunately I got tired as hell of it one day and shaved almost completely.

Every since I cut off around my mid-back length hair about a year ago I've been bearded so I didn't look around 12. I'm getting tired of it but it's always such an ordeal to shave it all.

I'm thinking about getting a buddy to try to sculpt it into a fashionable pre-20th century style but I don't think it grows in well enough for anything totally rad.

I'll tell ya who's gotta shakin' beard. Mr. Redbeard Gutterman. Hit may!
I just shaved my sideburns a couple days ago... the goatee is still firmly attatched.. though nicely trimmed... takes me about a week and a half to grow it... I think I would look silly with a full on beard.. but I may do it one day.