greg's secret...

this master plan was a culmination of many years(months) of suggestion. ps, look out ladies!
As a future victim of cancer (if I can't kill myself by a heart attack first), I thank you for prolonging my painful and utterly pathetic existence. Thanks Greg.
well sort of i guess.

i'll leave this hint. let's just say that while i may not be smart enough to find a cure for cancer, there are going to be some kids coming out chemo who don't have to look sickly anymore but will instead look like rockstars.
I'm at a loss then, how do you donate to a cancer charity without extending the life of hapless old people who would rather die with dignity than be hooked up to machines and then eventually lose their battle with cancer in a state of semiconsciousness, rambling at their 14 year old white nephews who don't play basketball about how much money their is in the game and not be specifying that the money is donated to specifically treat children's cancers? Or perhaps you just know what cancer I'm going to die of and specified that no money go there? Or you're actually a deity of sorts (besides when shredding riffs and you know that I will successfully die of stress and diet related myocardial infarction? All the same, I'd like to know how you did that.
I know, there are different kinds of cancer though, you're young and I'm glad that you're treatment worked, I'm just saying for me, in terms of family history, I'm not going to get it until I'm 60 and its going to be melanoma that spreads to my liver and kills me. Happened to both my grandfather and great uncle. It just gave me some insight on how I want to handle the situation when I am confronted with it. At that point in my life, my body isn't going to have a chance so, I'm going to let nature take its course.