

Jul 22, 2002
Hi everyone

I just thought I'd introduce ourselves, and I'm sorry for not doing this earlier because I see that a lot of people are wondering who we are. I'm truly honoured that we were allowed to do this, and my deepest gratitude goes to all the guys in D.T. It's hard to describe our music in just a few words, but we simply like to call it heavy metal. Our official website is located at Please check it out and sign the guestbook. You will find videos, soundclips, reviews and a lot more at the site. I promise that we will give everything on stage and I hope you'll recieve us well. Please don't hesitate to ask me directly through my e-mail if you have any questions.

@kai: you should possibly edit your post in order for the link to work correctly - separate the dot (.) from the web address, otherwise browsers are directed to instead of your site, :)

you have to click on "mp3 sound". then winamp or sonique or wmp will be launched and it will connect to to download songs. when i tried, the link wouldn't work properly, but i guess it's just a question of when you try.

Has anyone tried the videos yet? There are 2 videos from our latest album;" Horrific" and "Freakshow", and I'm quite sure that they work. Hope to see you all soon.
Go to the "discography" section, pick a song from the album "The Sideshow" then lyrics will appear and a sound clip from the song will automatically download. At least it worked when I just checked it. I don't know what's up with the other album, and I'm sorry if those don't work, but you'll get the idea what we're like from "The Sideshow" clips.
i have to wait till i'm home to check out sound clips. :mad:
can you tell us more about, say, where you get inspiration for your songs, what are the lyrics about, what do you expect from this tour...?
(yes i know i'm boring ;) )

Inspiration....well I'm a fan of good melodies combined with hard riffs, so if I have to name some, it would be stuff like Maiden(because of twin guitar leads and melodies), Megadeth (because of the riffs they did in the late 80's and beginning of the 90's). I hope to meet open minded fans of metal in general who would give my band a chance. Also I'm thrilled to meet the other bands and hope to learn about the business from these experienced mussicians. I've had some traumas in my life, so at least I can tell you that our next album (if we get a new deal) will focus around mental health, and the healing process after a breakdown.
thats cool to introduce yourself to the DT fans and to tell us alittle bit about your band
I just saw the tour posters yesterday after the in flames concert
but theres another special guest marked on it (besides griffin)
does anybody knows something about the 4th band?
Very polite of you to introduce yourself, gryphon :)
I'll check out the band even tho i won't be seeing you..
@gryphon: If you happen to pass from greece sometime, it'd be nice to watch you, i haven't had a chance to get the grip of your music yet, but you sure are very kind. :)

Edited for better expression.
I like the vocals. I hate high-pitched falsetto in heavy metal, but your vocalist has enough edge in his voice to make it sound agressive. Very professional layout for a small band too, and the videos were entertaining :D If you ever come to Finland, I'll... be 40 minutes late to the gig and hideously drunk, but that's not what you want to hear, is it?
Well, I checked the web site and definitely the vikings are coming to my town (Barcelona). Probably we'll meet there, and your kindness to introduce yourself makes me see your band with different eyes (more critic eyes, perhaps?). Sooo, I'll dload the clips and videos forementioned to have an idea of what are you doing. It's a curious concept of what we're going to see: a heavy metal band inspired by Megadeth and Maiden, Sinergy and Dark Tranquillity. It's more expectable three agressive and death-metal inclined bands than the show that is already prepared to be served. I'm awaiting for you, guys, it will be a show worthy of be seen!

Btw: In the "members" section, I saw this about Kai (gryphon):

"Preferred music:

I guess this can be called "a touch of irony"...

Well, Ormir I hate to admit it, but I know exactly what you're talking about. I've missed out on a lot of good concerts because I was too drunk to even remember who was playing. Regarding preffered music; I live and breath metal day in and day out, so when I get home I simply like to be in silence. BUT, when I listen, I like the slower stuff like Pink Floyd, The Cure.......ooops, I shouldn't have said this among you metal freaks.....please forgive me and come see us anyway, he, he
hheheheehe well the metal freaks always tend to have some weird tastes....I love Maná which is a mexican rock band...I've been hooked on REM and U2 for several season and normally I can't stand a constant metal spree for more than a week....I tend to make it just "freak" and get rid of the metal part :p

Glad to hear about your band....for sure I'll check it out when you come around (thankgod I don't drink ;) )

fathervic (griffed)