Groovy Metal/Bro/Hardcore Production, think 'Devildriver-lite'


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
The band finally shared this one, so here she is:

As some of you guys may know, I'll be moving down south in August to tag-team productions with Andrew P. Glover out of Sound Temple Studio. We've got a lot of cool shit being cooked up right now but this is the first official release done by us as a team, albeit a bit more disjointed than we'll be doing in the future; Andrew produced/engineered and I reamped/mixed/mastered on this one. In the future we'll be doing all the production and engineering together and then splitting up mixes depending on who's style fits the band or genre better.

We'll be doing an 'official' launch later this summer with webpage/promo shots/full frontals after we do some small renovations and I get settled in, but an early 'like' would be appreciated on our current Facebook page, too.

Anyways, details on this are pretty standard for me. Kick replaced, snare 50/50, toms natural. Kemper gtrs/bass (desperately wish the guy picked harder), vox via SM7b. VCC/VTM on every track. Some strange vocal balances towards the end based on the bands' requests, but they're happy and I'm still stoked on the mix so bob's you're uncle.
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Great mix! Love the drums and the overall airy, punchy feel!

And congratz on new plans and business! Lookin' forward hearing how stuff developes!
Thanks dudes! Really tried to go for a mix of 'modern slick' and 'real ass metal' with a good dose of Sneap vibe thrown in, I think I hit the goal pretty well.

You got the low end super punchy. Awesome.

Drums + bass locked, parallel compression on the rhythm guitar bus to get some slight musical pumping going (almost to make it sound like he picked harder). Glad I got that down, the A7s don't extend super low and I did a large portion of the mixing on a super hyped iHome speaker so it being pinned down is awesome.

Is the kemper profile completely custom or did you use for example the cab from a commercial or free profile?

The mix sounds great btw.

It's 2 tracks of a personal 5153 profile and 2 of Sacha's Dual Recto profile but with the TAF 6505 cabinet; the bulk of the tone is from the 5153, though. I'd share the 5153 but I want to wait until August/September-ish when I'm in the new studio and can do a decent pack of all our amps (5153, 6505, Mark IV, Legacy, Mesa OS 4x12 and EVH 4x12s, SVT-CL, Mesa Titan V12, Fender TBP-1/MB-1200, Fender and Eden 8x10s).
Hey that's a great mix man! I would high shelf the guitars at around 6k a bit but that's my taste. You actually did quite good putting some Sneaps vibe in. Great job! :)