Groovy Metal Mix


Nov 30, 2009
Lima - Peru
Greetings, Check out this new mix i'm working with. It's actually not that groovy but don't know really how to call it, progy? power?
Please give me any advise or criticism to make it better. Thanks

Info on the Track:

Band: Masquerade (me and my brother project band)

Its still work in process cause i haven't recorded the vocals yet and there are some keys and synth missing.
Also, the drums have to be rewritten cause neither me or my brother are drummers and don't really know whats playable.
All tracks are not edited yet.

Hope you like it!

:kickass: 2 MS.mp3
dude i like it. It sounds very full. guitar tone is really tube like ( i like that ) . and that bass is backing everything up very nicely.
Thanks, by bright do you mean they're so bright it actually hurts listening to them? I kinda based the guitar sound on the last Symphony X album : Iconoclast.
I dug it a lot as well. Sounds like if Stompbox (90s Boston band) had gone prog-ish. Can't wait to hear the final project.

The only critique I have (like above) is the top end fuzz on the guitar could be tamed a bit.