Gross Exaggeration

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
did i spell that right?
you guys ever notice how much people grossly exaggerate in daily conversation? usually im amused but the other day someone told me her mom has an IQ of "175, 180, or something" and i was kinda irritated by the over-the-topness of the claim. we were talking about alzheimers and she said her mom has it now. that she "used to be able to read all the time". granted, her mom may very well have an IQ of 175 but what are the odds?

my other favorite is income. whatever people tell you they make, or what theyre worth, or what they own, it's double the reality. drives me nuts. nurses are always doing shit like that. my buddy told me once he gets his masters, he will be "pulling down....i dunno, 250. then another 200 on top of that doing stuff on the side." bwahahaha. i see. three to four times what most physicians make.
lurch70 said:
i once gave this girl 14 orgasms in a row [/nad]
hahaha hey i know what the truth is, i didn't expect anyone to believe me. :p

i grossly exaggerate constantly. but i mean really fucking gross. like when i had 2 teeth pulled earlier this year, i'd say "i had to get 19 wisdom teeth yanked." i don't try and bullshit, i make it so ridiculous that it's impossible to believe.
I don't have one mp3 or download or an ipod or any of that pure bullshit. oh wait, we're exagerrating...nevermind.