Gross Misconduct signs Canadian Distribution deal

Gross Misconduct

New Metal Member
Jan 20, 2008
Gross Misconduct is an independent metal band from Vancouver
BC, Canada.

Our entire debut album can be heard at:

The band has just announced it will be distributed exclusively in Canada by PHD. The can be purchased at many stores across

the country including HMV.
The album can also be purchased online at cdbaby
or digitally at Itunes:

The debut album, "The Process of Indoctrination", has drawn rave reviews, and since its release Gross Misconduct has played

with Amon Amarth, Sonic Syndicate, Thine Eyes bleed, Martyr, Neuraxis and many others, including the Warped Tour.

The Process of Indoctrination has been reviewed in a number of mainstream publications such as Metal Maniacs, The Georgia

Straight, The Province, Absolute Underground, Abort Magazine and many others, all reviews are posted in a blog on our myspace


Thank you,

Gross Misconduct

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A modern tech-thrash web of wickedness - Metal Maniacs

Pay close attention to Gross Misconduct; they could become the West coast's only beacon of noteworthy metal. - Exclaim!

Just when the search for something new seemed hopeless, enter Gross Misconduct - Discorder Magazine

Technical metronome perfection and aural terror...musicianship is uniformly tremendous. - The Nerve Magazine