Growling vocals


New Metal Member
Apr 28, 2009
Hey guys. I'm in a Nu Metal/Progressive band, but on the side I do my own Deathcore stuff. I can do the highs, the lows, and the mid vocals, but now I want to learn to do the "cricket" screams. A good example of what I'm talking about is Despised Icon's song, furtive monologue. I wanna learn to do the deep "cricket" screams where you can't understand what he's saying, but I have no idea how to even start. Can someone help me out?

(all my screams are exhales, btw)
ive no idea how those bree-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee are done but they're pretty cool, good luck
The pig squeals? FUCK no. Get out. This is a METAL forum, not some fucking mallcore douchepit. I'm not a particularly close-minded person but there is a line and you've crossed it. Go away.

Also, nu-metal/progressive? I can't imagine how that would work, but I imagine it would involve gathering all the suck in the world into one location.
Hey guys. I'm in a Nu Metal/Progressive band, but on the side I do my own Deathcore stuff. I can do the highs, the lows, and the mid vocals, but now I want to learn to do the "cricket" screams. A good example of what I'm talking about is Despised Icon's song, furtive monologue. I wanna learn to do the deep "cricket" screams where you can't understand what he's saying, but I have no idea how to even start. Can someone help me out?

(all my screams are exhales, btw)

A lot of deathcore is actually hardcore screams rather than growls, hence it being deathcore rather than death metal.
Just get person who teaches vocal training to teach you, in the process you can even learn death growls alongside the proper screaming technique, because if you learn to do this stuff on your own, there is the chance you will permanently damage your vocals.
I know plenty of people that have fucked up their vocal chords because they never had formal vocal training, it's just not worth the risk to try to learn this stuff on your own.
There are some bands that use both death growls and screams for variation in vocal texture, I think it can work well in the right context.
Hope that helps.
The pig squeals? FUCK no. Get out. This is a METAL forum, not some fucking mallcore douchepit. I'm not a particularly close-minded person but there is a line and you've crossed it. Go away.

Also, nu-metal/progressive? I can't imagine how that would work, but I imagine it would involve gathering all the suck in the world into one location.

Geeze guy, its a fucking metal forum and -core IS metal. I don't complain about the shit you listen to. Besides that, you shouldn't judge me based on this presumption that all I listen to is -core and I'm a -core pussy or death pussy or w/e. Just to clarify so dicks like you don't get all pissy in the future, my music interests are vast. Yeah, I like core, but I also like progressive, death, black, classic, nu, glam, etc. I like everything from Kiss to Dimmu Borgir so fuck you.
I think theres nothing wrong with nu-metal or metalcore... sheesh... if it werent for upcoming music like that we wouldnt HAVE grindcore or deathcore.. or... blah blah blah. But yeah, I think I can help you out a little... umm, some of the gutturals, or screams your probably gonna have to develop, it takes SOME time, but ... sometimes your a natural, but i dont think i quite understand. do you want help learning how?
Geeze guy, its a fucking metal forum and -core IS metal. I don't complain about the shit you listen to. Besides that, you shouldn't judge me based on this presumption that all I listen to is -core and I'm a -core pussy or death pussy or w/e. Just to clarify so dicks like you don't get all pissy in the future, my music interests are vast. Yeah, I like core, but I also like progressive, death, black, classic, nu, glam, etc. I like everything from Kiss to Dimmu Borgir so fuck you.

-core is not metal. That's why it's called -core. I listen to a variety of stuff as well, but don't come here asking for advice on your nu-metal band because if you knew anything you'd realize that this is probably the best place to come if you want to find people who detest nu-metal. Kiss and Dimmu Borgir are both faggots in ridiculous costumes playing shitty music, so that doesn't suggest a particularly wide range to me.

Basically, if you want advice related to actual fucking metal music I'm happy to help you but I'm not going to aid you in your quest to shit out more obnoxious trash, and I will complain if you do it on this forum.
-core is not metal. That's why it's called -core. I listen to a variety of stuff as well, but don't come here asking for advice on your nu-metal band because if you knew anything you'd realize that this is probably the best place to come if you want to find people who detest nu-metal. Kiss and Dimmu Borgir are both faggots in ridiculous costumes playing shitty music, so that doesn't suggest a particularly wide range to me.

Basically, if you want advice related to actual fucking metal music I'm happy to help you but I'm not going to aid you in your quest to shit out more obnoxious trash, and I will complain if you do it on this forum.

I didn't ask for advice on my Nu-metal Band, I'm asking advice on growling, which is applicable to A LOT of genres. If you don't like the Kiss and Dimmu examples then fine; I listen to everything from Kamelot to Slayer, so if that makes you happy then kindly fuck off. One man's trash is another man's treasure after all and I STILL don't give a fuck what you listen to. If you don't think core is metal then you must be like fucking 12 years old. Grow the fuck up and learn to accept other music; or don't and keep shitting out lame insults. Fucking "metal heads" like you are the reason metal isn't taken seriously.
I think theres nothing wrong with nu-metal or metalcore... sheesh... if it werent for upcoming music like that we wouldnt HAVE grindcore or deathcore.. or... blah blah blah. But yeah, I think I can help you out a little... umm, some of the gutturals, or screams your probably gonna have to develop, it takes SOME time, but ... sometimes your a natural, but i dont think i quite understand. do you want help learning how?

Yeah, but I'm more looking for tips on learning how to do those particular sounds. Like I said before, I can do a pretty large range of screams (lows, mids, highs, vocal fry, "dry" screaming, etc.)and I've been doing these for about 3 years. I learned by singing along in my car and my voice rarely hurts, so I guess I'm doing it right (lol). I really just wanna get a few tips on the "cricket" growls, not a full music course on it or anything.
Another funny thing about the people complaining about the OP's taste and "-core not being metal" is that in the interview section I spotted, not one, but quite a few deathcore bands that were interviewed.
Shouldn't that be an indication of -core's acceptance as metal if a site called Ultimate Metal interviews these bands?
What about the lists these bands too?

It's the obsessive 'Troo metulz" elitists that ruin metal for everyone else, not the other genres that have become relatively popular in recent years.
I listen to the classic metal like Megadeth, Sabbath, Testament alongside the new/newer deathcore bands.
Just because something doesn't conform to an individual's perception of what metal is, doesn't mean it ain't metal.
The pig squeals? FUCK no. Get out. This is a METAL forum, not some fucking mallcore douchepit. I'm not a particularly close-minded person but there is a line and you've crossed it. Go away.

Also, nu-metal/progressive? I can't imagine how that would work, but I imagine it would involve gathering all the suck in the world into one location.

A Nu-metal can not possibly be progressive.
B Piggy squeals suck.
C He is now obviously aware that he is asking the wrong people.
D There isn't a single thing wrong with being an "Elitist", I mean seriously you expect someone to feel bad about expecting the best out of their music?

"If you don't think core is metal then you must be like fucking 12 years old."
You've got that backwards, nu-metal is popular with kids, not adults for the most part.
Yeah, but I'm more looking for tips on learning how to do those particular sounds. Like I said before, I can do a pretty large range of screams (lows, mids, highs, vocal fry, "dry" screaming, etc.)and I've been doing these for about 3 years. I learned by singing along in my car and my voice rarely hurts, so I guess I'm doing it right (lol). I really just wanna get a few tips on the "cricket" growls, not a full music course on it or anything.

oh ok. well the only tips i could really give you are that if it starts hurting, or making your throat like.... burn... dont do it that way. the vocalist for avenged sevenfold burst a jugular or something doing it wrong... umm.... welll also when your doing the low vocals, gutturals pig squeals etc, you kinda have to cup your hands to give it a better sound, and put the mic or whatever in your cupped hands. it helps a LOT. lol. but yeah i cant really help on the cricket thing... sorry.... umm... hmm... what else can i give ya... OH! When you do the screams, like the high pitched actual screams, dont hesitate to go louder and more shrieky that you actually are, becuase that is the mistake some bands make ex: neaera (whick i LOVE btw) on their first album made that mistake and their vocals turned out odd.... soooo... message me if you have any questions. :)
A Nu-metal can not possibly be progressive.
B Piggy squeals suck.
C He is now obviously aware that he is asking the wrong people.
D There isn't a single thing wrong with being an "Elitist", I mean seriously you expect someone to feel bad about expecting the best out of their music?

"If you don't think core is metal then you must be like fucking 12 years old."
You've got that backwards, nu-metal is popular with kids, not adults for the most part.

A] You can fuse ANY genre of music. To Mera fuzes death metal, operatic vocals, and a jazz interlude in one piece of music.
B] Pig squeals being sucky is your opinion.
C] Where the fuck else would I ask? A country music forum??
D] There isn't anything wrong with being an elitist, but its something entirely different to be a dick about what music you like or don't like.

Nu-metal is popular with A LOT of people dude. I know more adults than kids that listen to Nu-metal. Just because its not "FuKING BRUTULZ" or because "MANESTREEM SUX LULZ" doesn't make it shitty or not metal.