Guess Slipknot is currently biggest influence eh!?

Hypocrisy comes out with one of the heaviest albums in years in 2000 with Into the Abyss, then when the much more mellow and modern sounding Catch 22 comes out a few years later all of a sudden they are sellouts and poseurs and whatever other trendy word to describe them has been used. Metal fans can be so fickle sometimes! Myself included at times, but I respect Hypocrisy much more than most metal bands around.

I happen to like Catch 22 though, maybe I'm different. :p
I like Catch 22 too :) I don't care if it's more or less heavier that the previous albums if the music is good.

There are a few bands which changed into something I didn't liked. It's sad but the best thing you can do is to "burry" that band. They just don't exist for me anymore. I don't even have hope that they could make a good album again and even if some of them would I wouldn't care.
I don't care what influences a band or if they change sound, I don't care what's behind it. All I care about is wether I like the music.
So though you may cringe I still think Hypocrisy (and Metallica) make good sounding music that I enjoy listening to.
Sod what anyone else thinks!!:D
And this is what Peter says:
"I would say, bend the rules and follow your heart. If you like it, it doesn't matter if it's Death Metal or pop or rock - if it makes a good song, keep it. We don't look at it as being too weird. When 'Slippin' Away' came on the 'Abducted' album, then I was afraid that people were not going to like it. The other guys said, 'it's a killer song, fuck 'em.' And after that, if that worked, anything works.":p
I think the new album has some of the best writing on it, not to mention that musically, they haven't changed much, mostly just vocal changes. If you compare a bands new releases to old ones, you're not really listening to the music, just what's different, and if you go about it that way, you're bound to get pissed.
As long as hypocrisy will sound a little lite hypocrisy they can go at either direction i think. But when they start using 3 drummers and screaming and mixing just like slipknot then i'm out of here!