Guess the amp - 6505 V's Krank Rev

Which do you prefer?

  • Sample 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sample 2

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Sample3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sample4

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
Here are 4 quad-tracked clips.

1 Krank Rev
1 6505
1 Blend 6505 100L/R Rev 80 L/R
1 Blend Rev 100L/R 6505 80 L/R

All clips are RAW as-recorded no post processing done to them at all. DI's are from Lasse (LSD-Studio), thanks :kickass:. Mic position is the same for all clips. It shouldn't be too hard at all to tell which is which amp apart from the difference between the blends maybe.

Right near the end of the clips the Left side is playing alone, in this section the sound is quite similar so listen out for that. With a little more tweaking they could sound very close I think.

Anyway let me know which you prefer (if any, you don't have to like them, just which do you prefer :heh:) and have a guess as to what is what.


320 kb/s Samples are here:

If the player doesn't appear, click on the "Download" link.





128 kb/s SOUNDCLICK samples are here:
1 Blend Rev 100L/R 6505 80 L/R
2 Krank Rev
3 6505
4 Blend 6505 100L/R Rev 80 L/R

4 Sounds pretty cool ;)
plugin missing or proper links? )

Sorry about that. There is a "download" option underneath the (missing) player now.

The player on the page uses Windows Media Player. Didn't even think about it. :lol:

Sorry again.





Edited first post also.
I always have trouble opening your clips... could you please host them over soundclick or something?
So, after such an overwhelming :rolleyes: number of responses from everybody I assume my tones suck.

For the 2 that bothered to have a guess, thanks and here's the answers.

1 is 6505
2 is Krank Rev
3 is Blend 6505 100L/R Rev 80 L/R
4 is Blend Rev 100L/R 6505 80 L/R

You guys Rock :bah:
So, after such an overwhelming :rolleyes: number of responses from everybody I assume my tones suck.

For the 2 that bothered to have a guess, thanks and here's the answers.

1 is 6505
2 is Krank Rev
3 is Blend 6505 100L/R Rev 80 L/R
4 is Blend Rev 100L/R 6505 80 L/R

You guys Rock :bah:

damn! :D
4 was my fave and 2 was a close second. The Rev kicks ass! What cab were you recording?
Thanks for the feedback guys, really appreciated. :kickass:

Cab is Mesa Traditional 4X12 (Smaller Mesa Cab). I am starting to think that maybe it has too much high/fizz than the Standard (Oversized) Mesa though. :mad:

I am hoping that it is just because of my micing ability (or lack thereof) though. :lol: I think I have a better 6505 version of this song now than the original one posted.

Thanks again.
Thanks for the feedback guys, really appreciated. :kickass:

Cab is Mesa Traditional 4X12 (Smaller Mesa Cab). I am starting to think that maybe it has too much high/fizz than the Standard (Oversized) Mesa though. :mad:

I am hoping that it is just because of my micing ability (or lack thereof) though. :lol: I think I have a better 6505 version of this song now than the original one posted.

Thanks again.

I really like the tones you're getting!
but I know how you feel....I'm myself absolutely unsatisfied with the guitarsounds I'm getting atm...

probably everyone feels like that from time to time and it forces you to improve your technique ;)

your guitartones here are really good!
I really like the tones you're getting!
but I know how you feel....I'm myself absolutely unsatisfied with the guitarsounds I'm getting atm...

probably everyone feels like that from time to time and it forces you to improve your technique ;)

your guitartones here are really good!

Thanks Lasse. I can definitely relate to being unsatisfied with my tones. :lol:
I find it sometimes pays to take a break for a few days (if possible) and then go back to basics as far as amp settings and mic placement.

The settings used in these clips were (out of 10):

Lead Channel
Gain - 2.5
Low - 7.5
Mid - 1.5
High - 5
Post - 2.25
Res - 9
Pres - 8.5

Pres - 6
Sweep - 3
Bass - 6
Mid - 3
Treb - 6
Master - 2
Gain - 5

Both clips were with Maxon808 OD min, Tone and Balance at 12 o'clock
Mic was half an inch off the Cloth 2/3 on the dustcap, 1/3 on the cone. (BBAE-Half).