Guess the Mixer + Opinions


Jun 6, 2007
Amps used were:
1. Mesa dual rec 2 channel version on red channel boosted with od808
2. Engl Powerball channel 3 boosted with od808

Cab was a standard Engl 4x12 slant cab with speakers replaced with 2 v30s and 2 gt75 in x pattern.

Mics used were:
-sm57 and I5 on the top left speaker (V30)
-sm7b on top right speaker (gt75)
-Mc930 about 6 feet in front of the cab about 3 feet off the ground

I dont think the Mc930 made the mix though. (Phase issues yes i am a noob)
id bring down guitars and vocals a little (or bring up kick and especially snare a little bit)
i like the snare (tell me more about that snare .sample or real? settings plz)

otherwise the mix sounds pretty good
I like it, very very clear - is it Ed? I've always noticed his stuff sounds very clear, and he's got a knack for bitchin' drum verb, which this song has nicely!
By the way I was just kidding, I don´t think its Bob :) I think the mix sounds good, but I´m not too fond of the kick... I´ll actually guess Kaomao