Guess what an Argosy desk costs in Europe (Any alternatives?)


Nov 17, 2008
Munich, Germany
Sometimes I hate living in Germany. So i want a nice studio desk, the Argosy V70 Series seemed just right. Cost? $ 1745, free shipping within the USA.

So, guess what shipping to Germany costs?
Right, $ 570.
Plus customs (+16%) and the currently weak Euro it would be 2140 € in the end. 2140 ! That's fucking $ 2666
Would you pay that price for a goddamn argosy :waah:

Btw, I also called the German and also the Austrian distributor.
(2153€, in Austria even more + ghey shipping costs)

Someone knows some really nice studio desks in Europe? Sterling is too expensive, and all other desks I found look gay.
The "Unterlass" ( ) looks ok, but unfortunately it's a bit too big for my room and taste.
Sometimes I hate living in Germany. So i want a nice studio desk, the Argosy V70 Series seemed just right. Cost? $ 1745, free shipping within the USA.

So, guess what shipping to Germany costs?
Right, $ 570.
Plus customs (+16%) and the currently weak Euro it would be 2140 € in the end. 2140 ! That's fucking $ 2666
Would you pay that price for a goddamn argosy :waah:

Btw, I also called the German and also the Austrian distributor.
(2153€, in Austria even more + ghey shipping costs)

Someone knows some really nice studio desks in Europe? Sterling is too expensive, and all other desks I found look gay.
The "Unterlass" ( ) looks ok, but unfortunately it's a bit too big for my room and taste.

I must say, owning an argosy, that after you have one you'll wonder how the he'll you managed with anything else. It is the only solution, in my opinion. Argosy or nothing.

P.s. If that's too big, I bet the argosy is too (well model depending, of course) mine takes up like 8 or 9 feet by 4 or 5 feet.
Joey, so what's so special about them?

jipchen, where in Germany are you exactly? I mean there are other surrounding countries apart from Austria as well. Maybe in France or the Netherlands they have something for cheap?
How about contacting a carpenter and have something custom built?
I must say, owning an argosy, that after you have one you'll wonder how the he'll you managed with anything else. It is the only solution, in my opinion. Argosy or nothing.
Haha, thanks. You did just multiply my G.A.S. for an Argosy by 1,000,000 :lol:
P.s. If that's too big, I bet the argosy is too (well model depending, of course) mine takes up like 8 or 9 feet by 4 or 5 feet.
The one I want (V70) is 68,2" wide (1,73 meters), the UNTERLASS is 87,5" (2,23 meters).
I feel like that's too wide to reach the rackunits from my seat, isn't it? I can fit screens up to 26" between the racks, and that's about the distance i want them to be. Any further seems uncomfortable to reach... I don't know for shure, though.
What Argosy did you get?

I live in Bavaria. Didn't contact other resellers in Europe.. I don't think they will be cheaper but I will write them.
I first thought the distributor wanted most of the money for himself and self-import would be a lot cheaper, but as it seems they don't earn as much as I thought, considering the shipping costs.
Thought about a carpenter, too but I'm not quite comfortable with the idea. I googled a lot and the desks all looked like shit.
Can you recommend a certain carpenter? I think it would be the most cost-effective way to get the desk I want.
Without taxes? (!) is also where I got the price I mentioned. They said 1810€, in the USA the desk is $ 1745.
But the price in Euro is exclusive of VAT, so you'll have to add 19% --> 2153€. Or if you run a business you can write the VAT off against tax.
But I don't own a business (yet... :D ) so its 2153 for me.
Uuuh yes I forgot about the taxes... since I´m a GbR I don´t really care about VAT either.

Wo in Bayern wohnst du eigentlich? Vll sieht man sich ja mal auf ein Bier oder so^^
I was looking at the Argosy site and for my needs - the Raven H10 personal workstation would be perfect - that's one damned sexy desk and quite reasonable at only $995.

Argosy is nothing more then glorified MDF with a vinyl finish. With a litllebit of craftsmanship you can build one yourself for about an 8th of the price of an Argosy desk. Sometime ago, i think it was crilleman, build an desk himself. He took a Argosy design and did it himself. End result was amazing.

I'm so as forum addicted i even take time to post this from an iphone..
I must say, owning an argosy, that after you have one you'll wonder how the he'll you managed with anything else. It is the only solution, in my opinion. Argosy or nothing.

P.s. If that's too big, I bet the argosy is too (well model depending, of course) mine takes up like 8 or 9 feet by 4 or 5 feet.

You wouldn't say that if you were dealing with this pricetag:

That's over $3k... for a table.

I'd rather spring for a Herman Miller chair before that. At least it will have some quantifiable benefit to my physique/posture. A table at the end of the day is still just something that holds shit up.

I figure down the track I will find a competent cabinet maker here (lol) and get him to clone the AURA model. It seems to be a fairly ideal personal workstation. The Raven is cool, but something tells me that one might run out of space... for both tabletop stuff AND outboard.
You wouldn't say that if you were dealing with this pricetag:

That's over $3k... for a table.

I'd rather spring for a Herman Miller chair before that. At least it will have some quantifiable benefit to my physique/posture. A table at the end of the day is still just something that holds shit up.

I figure down the track I will find a competent cabinet maker here (lol) and get him to clone the AURA model. It seems to be a fairly ideal personal workstation. The Raven is cool, but something tells me that one might run out of space... for both tabletop stuff AND outboard.

With pricetags like that you could diy for a 10th of the price!
You wouldn't say that if you were dealing with this pricetag:

That's over $3k... for a table.

I'd rather spring for a Herman Miller chair before that. At least it will have some quantifiable benefit to my physique/posture. A table at the end of the day is still just something that holds shit up.

I figure down the track I will find a competent cabinet maker here (lol) and get him to clone the AURA model. It seems to be a fairly ideal personal workstation. The Raven is cool, but something tells me that one might run out of space... for both tabletop stuff AND outboard.

LOVE my Aeron