Guess what...

My friend Rich and I have this joke band named "Beef Wind" in which we basically play at our friends' parties and open up for a local band (who we are close friends with) to make everyone laugh their asses off. Usually our stuff is just stories I come up with on the spot against some smooth jazz chords, but we are going to a serious project where we are taking all of the songs in the "Hobbit" book by Tolkien, and we're making metal versions of them. Not power metal though, no. Because thats been done- this is Black Metal and gridcore.
NicodemiX said:
Too late. Summoning beat you too it.

I was pretty sure they just based their songs on the books? We're actually intending to use the lyrics Tolkien wrote... its been done?
for those who don't know, "Be Prepared" is the nazi-ish song that Scar sings to the Hyenas (sp?) when he's talking about how they are going to take over... hahaha its funny that i know that