guess what


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
I'm going to see the dillinger escape plan AGAIN woooooooooooooo

and poison the well and ephel duath are supporting

tonight shall be the best night of ever and I WILL return home with 3 tshirts, a hoodie and a few eps :Spin:
ah so you do listen!
there will be no band member shagging, i try not to go in for that sort of thing.
Gigs in the Manchester Academies 1,2 and 3 usually finish around 11pm. The gig is closer to Oxford Road station not Picadilly so the train will be 11.27 i think and not 11.17 which is plenty of time to get to the station. Although the sheer amount of Merch might slow me down.....but if i miss the train i'll have a substancial amount of newly bought band clothing to keep me warm during the night in the station.
Strangelight said:
everything went steeply downhill after 88
what about Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse and some of the black metal bands from Norway, early 90s?
since when do self-proclaimed musical experts show such superficiality?
you listen to it and its all hyperspeed wankery with cheesy synth but the cover should have told you all that, i am the black wizards lol
what is good metal? I don't think the speed of playing should matter per se, neither the use of synths or not. To me, musical complexity (lots of different melodical layers), originality and atmosphere (which includes the production) are important. Based on those standards, I would say that In the Nightside Eclipse is good metal. Can you please respond in terms of musical complexity, originality and atmosphere?
or to expand

laughable lyrics, inability to write songs covered by hyperspeed tempos and crappy synths that dont fit in with the "songs"

and they wear purple spandex
nightside is was emperor's last "prometheus"

i whole-heartedly agree with most of what you say about metal, bambi...but there are still some good bands out there...very few though
and emperor is (was) one of them. though i hear ihsahn will do some solo stuff soon. good. very good.