Guitar Cab Isolation Booth. Would these dimensions work?


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
As the title says.

2200mm Long X 1530mm Wide X 2400 High. Or roughy 7' L X 5' W X 8' H (convert the mm to imperial for closer to actual) results.

Would this size room work? Carpeted floor over Concrete Slab.

Well, it is a walk-in closet. If I filled the walls with rockwool then did the Drywall (plasterboard)/Particleboard (chipboard)/Drywall (plasterboard) walls and ceiling on the inside of the room, similar to our friend Eddy here:


from his infamous thread here:

...would it give me good isolation and good recording results?

I have been watching the In Flames DVD for their latest album and the room dimensions aren't tooooooooooooooo dis-similar, possibly. Yes there are parallel walls in my room :(.


Thanks for any feedback. :kickass:
Well, you can't really know until you've tried it, I guess. I think that if you do the thing you've descriped you'll achieve good isolation and perhaps good low-end treatment but you'll still have bare walls that will reflect midrange and high frequencies, so I suggest you add a good deal of rockwool to the inside of the room, as well. It should be of the right density and quantity in order to achieve a balanced sound.