Guitar clinics - and Jeff Waters


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
I just found out the fucking LEGEND Jeff Waters is doing a guitar clinic in Glasgow tomorrow night. I wouldn't mind going along assuming they have tickets left at the time, but I don't know what such a "clinic" entails.
Anyone ever been to one?
To be honest, I'm a real lazy bastard and if it's not worth the hassle, I wouldnt bother going hahaha :loco:
I've been to a Michael Amott (Arch Enemy) clinic a few years ago. Very cool. About 100 people there, he played some of his well known riffs, talked about his influences and gear etc. Showed a real "human" side of him rather than just the guy onstage, and it was awesome.
Oh, and the best part of it was that it was free entry, and he signed my Doomsday Machine cd cover!
The shop emailed me to say they have a few spaces left and I should be alright to turn up tomorrow. So I think I will, I fuckin love Jeff's playing, Annihilator are easy my favourite thrash band outside the big 4.
My brother, who's 18, and I had never met until 6 months ago is going to get us tickets for it. Cool eh, find out you have a brother 16 years younger than you and find out he's into the exact same music as you.
Sweet eh? :lol:
Cool mate, enjoy. And a brother who's an 18 yo Annihilator fan ..... you did well!!
Awesome. I had Alice in Hell on my ipod on the way to work this morning. First time I listened to it what must be 5 years!!! Just the way I remembered it too - very awesome record. Loved that and NNL back in the day but never followed them much after that.
He played a couple off that record IIRC - "Word Salad" just fucking blew me away. Seeing someone play something as difficult as that, and play it note for note clean and perfect....fucking fantastic.
Annihilator have a lot of filler on their albums, but if you take their very best songs from each record you end up with some of the best metal ever written.
Oh, here's a vid someone else posted from the night, you can't see me, I'm behind the guy(?) on the left with the pink(!) beany hat on.
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Here's another.

This is the one where I realised my time was running out on the parking meter and I had to leave to run half a fucking mile and put money in the bastard meter! I made it back before the end somehow.
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I couldn't believe his playing on this at the time, fucking incredible! Love his "I never make mistakes, I'm perfect," and "Watch this" comments.
Thanks Stormwatch really great stuff.... I heard this guy is an asshole as Ian and he made a lot bad decisions putting down his band, but such a great guitar player.

The guitar player of Rush uses the same amp :)
Jeff's an asshole? I dunno, it's not like we became friends or anything but he came across as really cool. I suppose he might have been an asshole when he was young, but who isn't? :lol:
The thing with Annihilator is, it's Jeff's band - he writes all the music, plays all the instruments except the drums, writes the lyrics, produces, engineers, mixes, he even sand lead vocals on some of the albums. So, I suppose he can do whatever he likes within the band, if another member doesn't like it, touch shit, it's Jeff's band!
I think Annihilator suffered from being TOO goofy - just like Anthrax probably did. "Chicken And Corn", "Kraf Dinner" (great song, but come on....), and a lot of the songs have really silly sections in them.
I still love them though, every album of theirs is fucking awesome IMO.