Guitar Editing needed


Mar 5, 2009

i need someone who edits this project i'm working on. drums are already edited, so its only guitars and probably bass.
I really need the break in the evening after 10hrs of recording, so i want to out-source the editing.

Thrash-Metal, so it doesnt have to be superduper tight, just better.
Guitars are quad-tracked, but you can cut it down to 2 tracks (compiling the best parts together). DIs of course.

please send me your offer for JUST ONE SONG incl. some references. i want only one song edited first, to see if i like your edit-job.
if i like your work, you may get the job for 10 songs / 55min, and probably more constant work in the future (yeah i hate editing :rofl:).

REAPER USERS ONLY since i have the send the whole reaper project with the 1000 takes / items. i also want a reaper-project back. un-renderd / un-glued, so i can easily change edits afterwards if needed.

please PM me!

thanks :)

thanks for all the offers! i'm going to reply all tonight. please no more offers (+10 already, you guys are awesome!! :) )