Guitar editing..

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I've got this one riff of guitars which I really want to get tight as its syncing time/notewise with the bass guitar but whatever I do it doesn't sound right.

Tried cutting and crossfading, and stretching but neither have had very good results.

Its just slow, held single notes. Should be easy :/

I've just tried stretching again but putting a second transient marker just after the second so the initial hit doesn't get altered but its not TOTALLY there.

Any other suggestions?
Yeah if you have the option, I would re-record it. I always prefer getting a longer tail of the sustain than needed and cut/move it back, because stretching gives you that "warbly" sound on the sustained parts if used too much.
I managed to fix this up.

I cut after the initial attack and then only stretched the sustain of the notes. I could barely notice the difference, Sonar's stretching algorithm is really good, plus I only usually had to increase it by about 10% or so (max was 30% I believe, only once or twice), and I was working with DI's not amped tracks. It was well recorded, I just wanted uber-tight tracks.