Guitar Input Jack Repair - Help Needed


Jun 6, 2007
Hey guys my input jack connection has gone bad and i want to fix it the problem seems to be a bad connection like when the cable is in and i wiggle it the connection cuts in and out so im thinking its a connection strip thats come loose inside the jack but the problem is i cant get at it to bend it back into shape as the input jack is sealed. So is there anyway to repair this jack or is it fucked and do i have to solder in a new one ??

Edit: I took some pics




Soldering in a new one is no big deal if you have to. It's 2 wires, the earth/ground (black or green usually) and the hot lead (white on all my guitars, but could be other colors like blue or something).

If it was me I would patch in a new one, especially if it's acting weird, I like a solid "click" sound when I plug in and I don't like wiggle room.
I've used some of those completely covered ones that are made in Japan (don't know the brand), these seem to last very long with no trouble. Once they go bad you have the problem indicated above however ;). So far this hasn't happened to me and if it ever does I'll just put another one in (they're under 10 euro if I remember correctly).
I've replaced thousands of output jacks, mostly the open type. The barrel or sealed type are by far the best, unfortunately they can't be repaired. The open style can be repaired by bending shit back to where it needs to be but not these. I've tried everything from toothpicks to dental tools,..... no dice. Switchcraft makes an excellent replacement for those barrel style jacks, look for them. Out of all the guitars that come in for output jack repair, maybe one out of 150-200 are barrel style. In my opinion that's the way to go! And BTW, am I the only one that is slightly turned on by those pictures, lmfao!

I have most experience with barrell jacks BREAKING. The idea is good, but the actual design isn't as top notch as you would think. Tele output jacks and barrell jacks are my worst nightmare. Actually, if you use a stereo jack in place of a mono and only hook up the mono part, it will hold the cable really well.

You should trade in that "input jack" for an "output jack", that might solve the problem. :lol:

I can't quite tell from that pic if it is one, but I reccomend getting a stereo one (with 3 lugs on it). They hold the 1/4" plug a little stiffer.

Fuck, I don't even know if they come in non-stereo...
just pick up one in an electrical store. there about a buck or less and get soldering. i think every guitarist has had to solder some time in his life. if you take it to a music store they'll charge you and arm and a leg for literally a job done in 2 minutes.