Guitar Instrumental - Recab 3.5


Oct 24, 2007
New guitar instrumental.

Was lucky enough to add Recabinet 3.5 to the mix! Thanks Shane!

Feedback on the mix would be greatly appreciated!


edit: 3/29/2013, New Mix.
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get used to it, this forum is dead..
and it sounds awesome man! If I were you, I would try to get better drums, fatter and more in your the moment they sound like one of these home made backing tracks that you get online :)
but this is just my opinion :)
amazing playing! love the song :D and thats rare because i rarely enjoy intrumental "shred" songs
get used to it, this forum is dead..
and it sounds awesome man! If I were you, I would try to get better drums, fatter and more in your the moment they sound like one of these home made backing tracks that you get online :)
but this is just my opinion :)

theyre Metal Machine :u-huh: if they dont sound like joey or chango theyre cheap homemade backing tracks?
good ears Habsburgs, or maybe it's just that obvious.. ;) MetalMachine is right and drums are compliments of Mr. Tempesta. I'm not sure he'd be happy to hear he sounds like a 'home made backing track' lol..

Thanks guys!
[/QUOTE]If I were you, I would try to get better drums, fatter and more in your the moment they sound like one of these home made backing tracks that you get online :)
but this is just my opinion :)[/QUOTE]

First off, thats crap. Those drums sound GOOD!
All they need is some better mixing, and parallell compression on the shells.

Turn down your guitars more, and those drums won´t be buried.

Keep up the great work bud!
thanks man.. believe it or not, i do have parallel comp going on - but decided to try a new compressor on this mix, Audio Damage's rough rider. it's a good comp, but takes a little practice to discover it's hidden talents. a lot of people around here swear by the Avatar toms - and often recommend swapping them out for the MetalMachine and MetalFoundry ones. i should get off my lazy ass and do that one of these days..;) thanks again for the listen/comments!

edit: quotes must be f**ked today...
thanks man.. believe it or not, i do have parallel comp going on - but decided to try a new compressor on this mix, Audio Damage's rough rider. it's a good comp, but takes a little practice to discover it's hidden talents. a lot of people around here swear by the Avatar toms - and often recommend swapping them out for the MetalMachine and MetalFoundry ones. i should get off my lazy ass and do that one of these days..;) thanks again for the listen/comments!

edit: quotes must be f**ked today...

Yeah, i guess they sound pretty good, haven´t heard them in a long time though. Jup, guess they were f**ked a little that day ;D
Very old school sounding! The drums sound great, but I think the overheads/cymbals could come down a little. You also might want to automate the bass a bit, some of the notes (especially higher notes) sound a lot louder than the others. Over sounds pretty good though!
Very old school sounding! The drums sound great, but I think the overheads/cymbals could come down a little. You also might want to automate the bass a bit, some of the notes (especially higher notes) sound a lot louder than the others. Over sounds pretty good though!

Thanks. I've read a lot of guys here use a brickwall limiter on the bass, so i've been doing that for awhile. really helps, but you really have to watch it - especially if you dink with any plug in the chain... thanks for the listen/comments!