Guitar Jam!

holy shit.. did you record that in your bathroom?

Hahaha, yeah, mum's the word on the production, but definitely ace chops dude! (though definitely heavy on the wanking side, but that's just personal preference, I like my solos to pretty much all be in time)
Damn, I had to dig this thread up, and here I thought it would really take off.

Here's mine, a did a few takes and actually edited a couple of them together (you can tell :lol:)

VERY nice! I really enjoyed it. :) Tasteful and melodic with a nice dose of shred. Great intonation and expression.

Ok, I did a few improv takes and edited together the best ideas without going overboard - cool idea Matt! And alternate picking 16th notes at 200 bpm is a little beyond my capabilities, btw, so apologies for the fudging :lol:

Hey, its cool... My playing isn't the cleanest either, and your jam sounded great!

Might as well post my takes:
ESP Horizon NT-II with EJ Custom neck pickup:
Edwards with SD Jazz: